This is a preliminary program subject to change.
Sunday, September 28, 2014 7:00 - 9:00 pm Registration, reception, and dinner to be held at the hotel Sheraton La Jolla, Executive Room Welcome: Rajesh Gupta, University of California, San Diego Overview of MPE and MPE 2013+ and of this workshop: Fred Roberts, DIMACS, Rutgers University Monday, September 29, 2014 7:30 - 8:15 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast at meeting site 8:15 - 8:30 Opening Remarks: Yuvraj Agarwal, Carnegie Mellon University Mario Berges, Carnegie Mellon University Rajesh Gupta, University of California, San Diego Zico Kolter, Carnegie Mellon University Balarkrishnan Narayanaswamy (Murali), University of California, San Diego Fred Roberts, Rutgers University and DIMACS 8:30 - 9:55 Session A1: Sensing: Yuvraj Agarwal, Carnegie Mellon University Invited Speakers: 8:30 - 9:05 Model-IQ: Low-cost Model Capture, Control Design and Tools for Energy-Efficient Buildings Rahul Mangharam, University of Pennsylvania 9:05 - 9:40 From Buildings to Smart Buildings Yuvraj Agarwal, Carnegie Mellon University Short Talks: 9:40 - 9:55 Minimizing Data Storage for High Granularity Energy Data Collection Zhichuan Huang, University of Maryland 9:55 - 10:15 Break 10:15 - 12:00 Session A2, Part 1: Data/Information Processing: Yuvraj Agarwal, Carnegie Mellon University Invited Speakers: 10:15 - 10:50 Increasing Consumer Flexibility by Demand-Side Resource Matching Ram Rajagopal, Stanford University 10:50 - 11:25 11 Insights Made Possible by High Resolution Disaggregated Data on Residential Electricity Use Brewster McCracken, Pecan Street 11:25 - 12:00 Data Driven Investigation of Faults in HVAC Systems Balakrishnan Narayanaswamy, UC San Diego 12:00 - 1:00 Lunch (Optional Tour of Micro-grid instead of lunch) 1:00 - 1:45 Session A2, Part 2: Data/Information Processing: Yuvraj Agarwal, Carnegie Mellon University Short Talks: 1:00 - 1:15 Distributed Independent Actuation for Irrigation Control Daniel Winkler, UC Merced 1:15 - 1:30 SolarCast: An Open Service to Predict Solar Power in the Black Box Setting Srinivasan Iyengar, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 1:30 - 1:45 Beyond Binary Occupancy: Non-Intrusive Sensing of Occupancy Level and Occupant Identities Wentao Ouyang, UCLA 1:45 - 3:10 Session A3, Part 1: Smart Grid: Balarkrishnan Narayanaswamy (Murali), University of California, San Diego Invited Speakers: 1:45 - 2:20 A New Paradigm for Building Data and Control: Linking Internal and External Networks for Greater Energy Efficiency and Grid Integration Mary Ann Piette, LBNL 2:20 - 2:55 Algorithmic Decision Theory and the Smart Grid Fred S. Roberts, DIMACS, Rutgers University Short Talks: 2:55 - 3:10 Optimizing Demand Response for Smart Grid Zhenhua Liu, LBNL & Stony Brook University 3:10 - 3:30 Break 3:30 - 4:15 Session A4: Preliminary Open Discussion: Next Steps for MPE2013+ and Data-aware Energy Use: Fred Roberts, Rutgers University 4:15 - 5:00 Demo Session: Bharatan Balaji, UCSD 4:15 - 4:40 Short Term Solar Forecasting Using Sky Imagery and Its Potential Application in Control and Optimization for a Smart Grid Kleissl Lab 4:40 - 5:00 UCSD Microgrid PI system: Leveraging large data in a campus microgrid Natasha Balac, San Diego Supercomputing Center (SDSC) 5:00 - 5:35 Session A3, Part 2: Smart Grid: Bharatan Balaji, UCSD Invited Speakers: 5:00 - 5:35 Towards More Automated Engagement of Electrical Appliances in the Smart Grid Mario Berges, Carnegie Mellon University 7:00 - 9:00 Banquet at the hotel Tuesday, September 30, 2014 8:00 - 8:30 AM Continental Breakfast at meeting site 8:30 - 10:30 Session B1, Part 1: Smart Homes and Buildings: Zico Kolter, Carnegie Mellon University Invited Speakers: 8:30 - 9:05 Model-driven Energy Management for Smart Buildings David Irwin, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 9:05 - 9:40 Sensing Infrastructures for Building Analytics Mani Srivastava, University of California, Los Angeles 9:40 - 10:15 Lab of Things: An extensible platform for Home Sensing, Data Collection, and Actuation A. J. Brush, Microsoft Research Short Talks: 10:15 - 10:30 Energy Analysis of HVAC Systems in Commercial Buildings Bharatan Balaji, UCSD 10:30 - 10:50 Break 10:50 - 11:35 Session B1, Part 2: Smart Homes and Buildings: Zico Kolter, Carnegie Mellon University Short Talks: 10:50 - 11:05 Data-driven Building Model Capture for Economic Energy Demand Control Madhur Behl, University of Pennsylvania 11:05 - 11:20 Agents Vote for the Environment: Designing Energy-Efficient Architecture Leandro Soriano Marcolino, University of Southern California, Los Angeles 11:20 - 11:35 Optimal HVAC Building Control with Occupancy Prediction Alex Beltran, UC Merced 11:35 - 12:10 Session B2, Part 1: Load balancing: Balarkrishnan Narayanaswamy (Murali), University of California, San Diego Invited Speakers: 11:35 - 12:10 Data centers and energy: Did we get it backwards Adam Wierman, California Institute of Technology 12:10 - 1:30 Lunch + Poster Session 1:30 - 3:45 Session B2, Part 2: Load balancing: Adam Wierman, California Institute of Technology Short Talks: 1:30 - 1:45 Fair Load-side Control for Frequency Regulation in Smart Grids Enrique Mallada, Caltech 1:45 - 2:00 Competition and Coalition Formation of Renewable Power Producers Baosen Zhang, Stanford University 2:00 - 2:15 Placement and Control of Energy Storage in the Grid: a System Operator's Viewpoint Subhonmesh Bose, Cornell University 2:15 - 2:30 SmartShift: Expanded Load Shifting Incentive Mechanism for Risk-averse Consumers Bochao Shen, Northeastern University 2:30 - 2:45 Spatio-Temporal Workload Deferral in Data Centers for Energy Efficiency Mohammad Adnan, University of California, San Diego 2:45 - 3:00 AMI data for Advanced Distribution Automation Vahraz Zamani, University of California, San Diego 3:00 - 3:15 Using Behavioral Science to Make an Impact with Energy Data in the Field Nicole Sintov, ISI at USC 3:15 - 3:30 Net load forecasting for communities with distributed and centralized solar generation Amanpreet Kaur, UCSD 3:30 - 3:45 Exploiting Flexible Loads for Renewable Integration Borhan Sanandaji, University of California, Berkeley 3:45 - 4:05 Break 4:05 - 5:25 Session B3: Education for Planet Earth of Tomorrow: Energy, Fred Roberts, Rutgers University and DIMACS Invited Speakers: 4:05 - 4:40 Teach Your Children Well: Planning for Sustainability Tamra Carpenter, DIMACS, Rutgers University Short Talks: 4:40 - 4:55 Issues related to Energy Consumption in STEM Education Joyati Debnath, Winona State University 4:55 - 5:25 Panel Discussion: Next Steps for Education in Data-aware Energy Use Panelists: Tamra Carpenter, Joyati Debnath, Fred Roberts, Rajesh Gupta 5:25 - 6:00 Session B4: Localized Electrical Energy Reduction, Generation, and Sharing: Mario Berges, Carnegie Mellon University Invited Speakers: 5:25 - 6:00 Taking off in a Universal Energy Information Plane David Culler, University of California-Berkeley 6:00 Dinner on your own Wednesday, October 1, 2014 8:00 - 8:30 AM Continental Breakfast at meeting site 8:30 - 9:00 Session C1, Part 1: Decision Making and policy: Rajesh Gupta, University of California, San Diego Short Talks: 8:30 - 8:45 Bioenergy Sustainability Assessment: Mathematical approaches to protocol development Nathan Pollesch, University of Tennessee - Knoxville 8:45 - 9:00 Integration Strategies for High Penetration of Photovoltaics Using Solar Forecasting, Control, and Optimization Dung Nguyen, University of California, San Diego 9:00 - 10:00 Session C2: Talk by Gary Mathews, University of California, San Diego 10:00 - 10:35 Session C1, Part 2: Decision Making and policy: Rajesh Gupta, University of California, San Diego Invited Speakers: 10:00 - 10:35 On the Security of Cyber-Physical Systems Bruno Sinopoli, Carnegie Mellon University 10:35 - 10:45 Break 10:45 - 11:45 Session C3: Continued Open Discussion: Next Steps for MPE2013+ and Data-aware Energy Use; Fred Roberts, Rutgers University