DIMACS Workshop on Design for Values: Ethical, Social and Political Dimensions of Information Technology
Scheduled Program of Workshop:
Saturday, February 28, 1998
- 9:15 - 9:45 Coffee and refreshments
- 9:45 - 10:00 Welcome Remarks from the Organizers
- 10:00 - 12:00 Panel I -- Philosophical Perspectives
- Panelists:
- Philip Brey
- Marvin Croy
- Deborah Johnson
- James Moor
- Jeroen van den Hoven
- (Helen Nissenbaum, Moderator)
- 12:00 - 1:30 Lunch for participants and registered attendees
- 1:30 - 3:30 Panel II -- Technical Perspectives
- Panelists:
- Edward Felten
- Batya Friedman
- Brian LaMacchia
- Abbe Mowshowitz
- (Joan Feigenbaum, Moderator)
- 3:30 - 4:00 Refreshments
- 4:00 - 6:00 Panel III -- Social Science Perspectives
- Panelists:
- Lucas Introna
- Rob Kling
- Janet Schofield
- Susan Leigh Star
- Paul Starr
- (Michael Mahoney, Moderator)
Sunday, March 1, 1998
- 10:00 - 12:00 Panel IV -- Policy Perspectives
- Panelists:
- Jean Camp
- Lorrie Cranor
- Deborah Hurley
- W. Russell Neuman
- Lodis Rhodes
- (Thomas Levin, Moderator)
- Panelists in alphabetical order:
- Philip Brey, Technical University Twente, The Netherlands
- Jean Camp, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
- Lorrie Cranor, AT&T Labs -- Research
- Marvin Croy, Department of Philosophy, University of North Carolina
- Joan Feigenbaum, AT&T Labs -- Research
- Edward Felten, Department of Computer Science, Princeton University
- Batya Friedman, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Colby College
- Deborah Hurley, Terra Nova and Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
- Lucas Introna, Department of Information Systems, London School of Economics
- Deborah Johnson, School of Science, Technology and Society, Rensselaer
Polytechnic University
- Rob Kling, Center for Social Informatics, Indiana University, Bloomington
- Brian LaMacchia, Microsoft Corporation
- Thomas Levin, Department of Germanic Languages and Literature, Princeton University
- Michael Mahoney, Department of History, Princeton University
- James Moor, Department of Philosophy, Dartmouth College
- Abbe Mowshowitz, Department of Computer Science, CUNY
- W. Russell Neuman, Annenberg Public Policy Center, University of Pennsylvania
- Helen Nissenbaum, University Center for Human Values, Princeton University
- Lodis Rhodes, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas,
- Janet Schofield, Department of Psychology and Learning Research & Development
Center, University of Pittsburgh
- Susan Leigh Star, Library and Information Sciences, University of Illinois,
- Paul Starr, Department of Sociology, Princeton University
- Jeroen van den Hoven, Department of Philosophy, Erasmus University-Rotterdam,
The Netherlands
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Document last modified on December 23, 1997.