DIMACS/Statistics Workshop on Fusion Learning, BFF Inferences, and Statistical Foundations: Third BFF (Bayesian, Frequentist & Fiducial) Workshop

April 11 - 13, 2016
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University

Harry Crane, Rutgers University
Lee Dicker, Rutgers University
Ying Hung, Rutgers University
John Kolassa, Rutgers University
Regina Liu (co-chair), Rutgers University, rliu at stat.rutgers.edu
William E. Strawderman, Rutgers University
Han Xiao, Rutgers University
Min-ge Xie (co-chair), Rutgers University, mxie at stat.rutgers.edu
Dan Yang, Rutgers University
Local Committee:
Chengrui Li, Rutgers University
Sifan Liu, Rutgers University
Jieli Shen, Rutgers University
Xinyu Sun, Rutgers University
Suzanne Thornton, Rutgers University
Yeli Zhan, Rutgers University
Presented under the auspices of the DIMACS Special Focus on Information Sharing and Dynamic Data Analysis with additional support from the Rutgers Department of Statistics and Biostatistics and the National Science Foundation under grant number DMS-1107012.

Call for Participation:

Talks are by invitation only.

Attendance at the workshop is open to all interested participants (subject to space limitations). Please register if you would like to attend this workshop.

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Document last modified on January 25, 2016.