DIMACS-DIMATIA Workshop on Combinatorial and Algorithmic Geometry

August 18 - 21, 1998
DIMATIA, Charles University, Czech Republic

Bernard Chazelle, Princeton University, chazelle@cs.princeton.edu
Jiri Matousek, DIMATIA, matousek@kam.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Pavel Valtr, DIMATIA, valtr@kam.ms.mff.cuni.cz

The history of DIMACS shows its strong commitment to combinatorial and algorithmic geometry. It is a major area of interest among researchers at both DIMACS and DIMATIA. So, it seems natural to follow up this interest and the DIMACS Special Year on Discrete and Computational Geometry and DREI programs with a focused workshop in this area, and we have chosen the topic Combinatorial and Algorithmic Geometry. The twin effect of randomization and derandomization in computational geometry has been spectacular. A whole new theory of deterministic sampling has been developed recently, and as a result, several outstanding open problems have been solved (e.g., optimal algorithms for convex hulls, and fixed-dimensional convex programming). Books and surveys have been written to report these exciting developments -- see Chazelle [1995], Clarkson [1992], Matousek [to appear], Mulmuley [1994]. Given the central contributions of Czech and US scientists to this recent work, it would seem timely and appropriate to organize a focused workshop on the topic of Probabilistic Techniques in Computational Geometry.

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