Support Opportunities for Undergraduate, Graduate Students and Postdocs to Attend the Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Integer Programming in Honor of Ralph E. Gomory on the Occassion of His 70th Birthday

  1. Overview
  2. Application Procedure
  3. Contacting DIMACS

1. Overview

The workshop organizers would like to make the DIMACS Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Integer Programming accessible to young researchers in the field by making limited support available to undergraduate, graduate students and postdocs who would like to attend the workshop. Awards available will be in the range of $250 and can be used toward the cost of attending the workshop. The deadline for applying is June 15, 1999. Please use the attached form to submit an application.

2. Application Procedure

All participating institutions are equal opportunity/affirmative action employers.

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Last modified May 11, 1999