DIMACS-DIMATIA Workshop on Graphs, Morphisms and Statistical Physics
March 19 - 21, 2001
DIMACS Center, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
- Organizers:
- Jarik NesetrilDIMATIA, nesetril@kam-enterprise.ms.mff.cuni.cz
- Peter WinklerBell Labs, pw@lucent.com
Presented under the auspices of Exploratory Workshops/Special Programs.
Efficient Local Search Near Phase Transitions
Stefan Boettcher, Emory University
I will introduce Extremal Optimization, a new heuristic for
finding high-quality solutions to hard optimization problems.
For most physical and combinatorial optimization studied,
Extremal Optimization appears to be particularly successful
near phase transitions, which is conjectured to harbor some
of the hardest instances. In particular, numerical results
appear to verify a recent conjecture on the relation between
phase transitions in combinatorial optimization problems and
computational complexity for the case of random graph coloring
and partitioning.
Large Subgraphs of Random Graphs
Bela Bollobas, University of Memphis and University of Cambridge
We shall review a number of results concerning large subgraphs
of the complete graph K_n and the cube Q_n, and will present
some recent results obtained jointly with Oliver Riordan,
Paul Balister, Alan Frieze, David Gamarnik and Benny Sudakov.
On Mixing for Random H-Colorings of the Hypercubic
Christian Borgs, Microsoft Research
We consider the problem of random H-colorings of rectangular
subsets of the hypercubic lattice, with separate weights for
each color. For a large class of graphs H we show that the
weights can be chosen such that all quasi-local Markov chains
have exponentially slow mixing. For most such H we also show
that it is possible to find (different) weights for which the
Gibbs measure has exponentially fast spatial mixing.
Proper Colorings of Regular Trees
Graham Brightwell, London School of Economics
When considering probability measures on the set of H-colorings
of an infinite graph G, one of the simplest scenarios is when
H is a complete unlooped graph and G is a regular tree.
We concentrate on a particularly nice class of Gibbs measures
which are invariant under parity-preserving automorphisms of the
tree: we determine when more than one such measure exists. We
also discuss the question of when there is a unique Gibbs measure,
and consider extentions to other graphs H.
Joint work with Peter Winkler, Bell Labs
A Phase Transition in the Optimum Partitioning Problem
Jennifer Chayes, Microsoft Research
The optimum partitioning problem is a canonical NP-complete
problem of combinatorial optimization. We show that the model
has a phase transition and establish the behavior of the model
near the transition. In particular, we show that the phase
transition is discontinuous or "first-order", in contrast
to the phase transitions established in other combinatorial
models such as the random graph and the 2-satisfiability
problem. We also discuss recent suggestions that the order
of the phase transition may be related to the hardness of the
No knowledge of phase transitions or particular models will be
assumed in this talk. The talk represents joint work with
C. Borgs and B. Pittel.
Counting H-homomorphisms
Josep Diaz, Universitat Politecnica Catalynya
In this talk we survey recent work done jointly with Maria
Serna and Dimitrios Thilikos on counting H-colourings for
bounded treewith graphs. As a collorary, for constant K,
we get the following results: Counting the number of
independent sets in a partial K tree; Computing in poly-
time the chromatic polynomial of a partial K tree;
Deciding the poly time whether a partial k-tree is a core;
Counting the number of automorphisms of a core with treewidth
at most k.
We also consider the case of parametrized H-colorings, where
the parameters are in a subject of V(H). We show that under
certain restrictions of H, the counting is in FPT and under
other restrictions the counting problem is #P-complete.
Finally we state thresholds on H, for which to find an
H-coloring in FPT or NP-complete.
Compatible Sequence and a Slow Winkler Percolation
Peter Gacs, Boston University
Two infinite 0-1 sequences are called compatible when it is
possible to cast out O's from both in such a way that they
become complementary to each other. Answering a question of
Peter Winkler, we show that if two 0-1 sequences are random
i.i.d. and independent from each other, with probability
p of 1's, then if p is sufficiently small they are compatible
with positive probability. The question is equivalent to a
certain dependent percolation with a power-law behavior: the
probability that the origin is blocked at distance n but not
closer decreases only polynomially fast and not, as usual,
List Homomorphisms
Pavol Hell, Simon Fraser University
Given a fixed target graph H and an input graph G together
with lists L(g) from V(H), g in V(G), is there a homomorphism
f:G -->H such that each f(g) is in L(g)? How many such
homomorphisms are there? I will discuss algorithms for these
questions and some generalizations.
Threshold Phenomena for Interacting or Constraint Particles
Irene Hueter, University of Florida
The anisotropic branching random walk (BRW) and contact
process (CP) on a graph are both well described by functions
of a model parameter that capture the event "first passage"
of any particle to a site. On many infinite, locally finite
graphs of non-Euclidean geometry,the two models exhibit a
discontinuous phase transition, as the underlying parameter
varies over the survival regime of the population, at which
the log of the size of the population has critical exponent
at most 1/2 in the symmetric case. Regular trees provide a
fruitful "laboratory" for direct analysis of the CP and BRW
along with their phase transitions. Studying the former process
is quite a bit more challenging than the latter. Perhaps amazingly,
the CP and BRW meet again at the same equation which characterizes
this phase separation even though the "first passage functions"
associated with each of the two models are interrelated differently.
Computational Complexity and Phase Transitions?
Gabriel Istrate, Los Alamos National Laboratory
I study the existence of sharp thresholds for the class of
generalized satisfiability problems introduced by Schaefer
(STOC'78). Specifically, I investigate this problem for the
particular class of clausal constraints, and obtain a complete
characterization of such problems that have a sharp threshold.
Problems with a coarse threshold can be predicted with high
probability outside the critical region by a single,"trivial"
satisfiability procedure. Thus, in this case the lack of a phase
transition DOES have algorithmic implications.
Solution of the Higher Spin Exchange Hamiltonian
Jacob Katriel, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
The representation theory of the symmetric group is used to
study the spin-S exchange-interaction model of ferromagnetism
within the infinite range approximation. The 2S order parameters
are determined by the row lengths of the Young diagram that
specifies the free energy extrema. The set of solutions of the
order parameter equations has been fully explored. Stability
analysis shows that one of the solutions represents the absolute
minimum and describes the thermodynamically stable state.
This solution coincides with the mean-field solution due to Chen
(Phys. Rev. B 46, 8323 (1992)). The other non-trivial solutions
correspond to saddle points in the free-energy surface, with
consecutively increasing indices.
Potts Antiferromagnet: The Case of Entropic Contours?
Roman Kotecky, Charles University
We discuss the idea that the existence of the expected phase
transition for 3-colouring of some lattice (for example,
3-dimensional cubic lattice) could be proven with the help
of "entropic contours" that are responsible for the "stiffness"
when switching between different patterns. An example of a
particular planar lattice where this strategy really yields
the proof is discussed and the links with low temperature
Potts antiferromagnet (possibly with degenerated spins -
colouring with a general complete 3-partite graph) and its
behaviour in external field are elucidated. Partially
based on a joint work with Cris Moore.
Cliques and Independent Sets in Graphs and Hypergraphs
and Applications
Hanno Lefmann, Technische Universitet Chemnitz
An independent set in a graph or hypergraph G = $
with vertex set V and edge set E is a subset I of V
which does not contain any edges from E. Dually, a clique
C within V contains all possible edges or hyperedges.
Several optimization problems can be reduced to the problem
of finding in an appropriately defined graph or hypergraph
an independent set or a clique of maximum cardinality.
For certain optimization problems the corresponding graphs
or hypergraphs behave in a `pseudorandom' way, and for such
instances one can guarantee some least approximation ratio
which often gives near-optimal solutions.
>From the computational point, approximating reasonably the
maximum cardinality of cliques or independent sets is an
NP-hard problem. However, if the resulting hypergraphs behave
pseudorandomly, the existence of certain large substructures
can be proved by probabilistic methods. Moreover, derandomization
techniques can be used to obtain in these cases polynomial time
algorithms with guaranteed quality of the solutions. One can
hope that some of these techniques might be applied also to
certain problems in statistical physics and related areas.
The Pfaffian Approach to the Ising Problem and the
Dimer Problem in 2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional
Martin Loebl, Georgia Institute of Technology
We show that the partition function of the Ising
problem and the dimer problem in a finite
3-dimensional cubic lattice may be expressed
using expectation of determinants (Pfaffians)
naturally associated with the cubic lattice.
The main method used in the proof is theory
of Pfaffian orientations developed by Galluccio
and Loebl. The theory also leads to efficient
algorithm for max cut, exact matching and Ising
problem for graphs embeddable on arbitrary fixed
orientable surface.
Information Flow on Trees
Elchanan Mossel, Microsoft Research
We consider a process in which information is flowing
from a given root node on a tree network T, where each
edge is an independent copy of some channel M. We focus
on the following question: For which chains can one use
tree networks in order to distinguish between states?
For all b, we'll construct for the 2-level b-ary tree a
chain for which: 1. The data at the root is independent
from the data at the boundary. 2. When B > b is large,
the tree network distinguishes between states
for the B-ary tree and any number of levels. These
constructions are closely related to classical constructions
of secret-sharing protocols. Partially based on a joint work
with Yuval Peres.
Denial of Service Attacks and the Internet Power
Kihong Park, Purdue University
Denial-of-service (DoS) attack on the Internet is a
pressing problem. In this work, we describe and evaluate
route-based distributed packet filtering (DPF), a novel
approach to distributed DoS (DDoS) attack prevention.
We show that there is an intimate relationship between
the effectiveness of DPF at mitigating DDoS attacks and
power-law network topology. We evaluate performance
using Internet autonomous system as well as artificially
generated topologies.
Rapid Mixing for Glauber Dynamics Without Uniqueness
of Gibbs States
Yuval Peres, U.C. Berkeley
According to conventional wisdome, uniqueness of Gibbs
states for the Ising model on an infinite graph is closely
related, and perhaps equivalent, to rapid mixing of the
Glauber dynamics on finite subgraphs. We show that there
is an interval of temperatures where the relaxation
time (i.e. the inverse spectral gap) for Glauber dynamics
on a finite binary tree of $n$ vertices is of order $n$
(as rapid as can be), yet there are multiple Gibbs states
on the infinte tree. Moreover, on finite trees and some
other"hyperbolic" graphs, at any positive temperature,
the mixing time for Glauber dynamics is polynomial in
the number of vertices.
Joint work with Claire Kenyon and Elchanan Mossel.
Large Independent Sets and 3-Colorings of
4-Regular Hamiltonian Graphs
Gert Sabidussi, Universite de Montreal
In the spirit of Erdos-Fleischner-Stiebitz "cycle
plus triangles theorem" (any 4-regular graph which
consists of a hamiltonian cycle and edge-disjoint
triangles is 3-colorable) we consider 4-regular
hamiltonian graphs (G,H) in which the edges not
on the hamiltonian cycle H form non-selfintersecting
cycles of equal length. Is such a graph 3-colorable?
Does it contain an independent set of size n/3,
where n is the order of G? (If G is 3-colorable,
it does.) Does it contain an independent set of
size K, for fixed K? Not surprisingly, these
problems turn out to be NP-complete.
A Sharp Threshold for Network Reliability
Benny Sudakov, Institute for Advanced Study
One of the most popular abstract models in network
reliability problems is the following. Given a graph G
with n vertices and a real p between 0 and 1, where p
may depend on G, a random subgraph G_p of G is obtained
by keeping each edge of G with probability p, independently.
Denote the probability that G_p is connected by f(G,p).
For a fixed positive constant x<1 and a graph G, let
p_x denote the (unique) value of p where f(G, p_x)=x.
We say that a family (G_i) of graphs satisfies the
"sharp threshold" property if for any fixed positive
e < 1/2 lim_i p_e (G_i)/ p_{1-e}(G_i)= 1.
In this talk we would like to address the following
central question: "Which families of graphs possess
the sharp threshold property ?"
Strengthening a classical result of Margulis we prove
that if the edge connectivity k(G) satisfies k(G) >>
d/(log n), then the connectivity
threshold in G_p is sharp. This result is asymptotically
This is joint work with M. Krivelevich and V. Vu
The Chromatic Number of the Product of Two Graphs
is at Least Half the Minimum of the Fractional Chromatic
Numbers of the Factors
Claude Tardiff, University of Regina
Hedetniemi's conjecture states that the chromatic number
of a product of two graphs is equal to the minimum of the chromatic
numbers of the factors. The inherent difficulty lies in finding
lower bounds for the chromatic number of a product of two graphs.
In fact, it is not yet known if there exists a number M such that
the chromatic number of the product of any two M-chromatic graphs
is at least 5. In this talk, we show that the chromatic number
of a product of two graphs can be bounded below in terms of the
fractional chromatic numbers of the factors. This leaves open the
question as to whether some probabilistic argument can be used
to improve this bound or give a lower bound in terms of the chromatic
numbers of the factors.
Graph Homomorphisms and Long Range Order
Peter Winkler, Bell Labs
We define a purely combinatorial, non-probabilistic
notion of long range order for graph homomorphisms,
and consider when this arises in maps from a Cayley
tree to a graph H with given chromatic number.
This is part of a plan to study combinatorial versions
of concepts from statistical physics, and in particular
to link graph properties which view a graph as the target
of a homomorphism to others in which it is the source.
Critical Resonance for Non-Intersecting Lattice Paths
with Periodic Boundary
David Wilson, Microsoft Research
We study the "solid-liquid" phase transition in the planar
dimer model, which has been used to model ferro-electric
phase transitions, and may be viewed as collections of
nonintersecting lattice paths. At the critical point
the system has a strong long-range dependence; in particular,
periodic boundary conditions give rise to a "resonance"
phenomenon, where the partition function and other
properties of the system depend sensitively on the shape
of the domain.
Joint work with Rick Kenyon.
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Document last modified on March 15, 2001.