Presented under the auspices of the Special Focus on Computational Molecular Biology and sponsored by the National Science Foundation.
NOTE: Because of space limitations, registration is currently closed. If you would like to be put on a waiting list in case there are cancellations, please communicate with one of the organizers.
November 4th Banquet NOTE: Those who have paid registration fees or are invited speakers, there is no charge for the banquet. NSF and NIH participants: The banquet fee is $36.95 per person. Please let Christine Spassione ( know if you are attending the banquet and, if so, please have a check ready at registration (made out to Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey). Our funding will cover breakfast, lunch, and coffee breaks for NSF and NIH Participants.
Please note Parkign Fees at the Four Points Sheraton, Bethesda:
Overnight guests of the hotel: $7.00; Local attendees not staying in the hotel: $10.00
Attendees who have been offered support should keep two rules in mind. Reimbursement for air travel can only be made for travel on US Flag Carriers, REGARDLESS OF COST. (For example, travel on airlines such as United, Continental, USAir, and others that are United States based are allowable. Travel on airlines such as Lufthansa, SAS, Air Canada and other airlines based outside the US cannot be reimbursed by DIMACS.)
The second rule to keep in mind is to get original receipts for all reimbursable expenses.