DIMACS Workshop on Integration of Diverse Biological Data
June 21 - 22, 2001
DIMACS Center, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
- Organizers:
- Andrea Califano (co-chair), First Genetic Trust, acalifano@firstgenetic.net
- Conrad Gilliam (co-chair), Columbia University, tcg1@columbia.edu
- Fred S. Roberts, Rutgers University, froberts@dimacs.rutgers.edu
Presented under the auspices of the Special Focus on Computational Molecular Biology.
Call for Participation:
Those interested in contributing a paper to the workshop should send a
title and one-page abstract to Christine Spassione at DIMACS at the address
spassion@dimacs.rutgers.edu. We strongly prefer email submissions.
submissions can be sent to Ms. Spassione at the address:
DIMACS Center - CoRE Building/4th Floor
Rutgers University
96 Frelinghuysen Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8018
Deadline for submission of contributed paper abstracts is
April 27, 2001. A decision as to the acceptance of a paper will be made by
May 15, 2001.
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Document last modified on April 5, 2001.