Joint DIMACS-CMU-Georgia Tech. Workshop on Large Scale Discrete Optimization
May 27-29, 1998
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Busch Campus, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
- Organizers:
- R. Ravi, Carnegie Mellon University,
- Vijay V. Vazirani, Georgia Tech.,
Presented under the auspices of the DIMACS Special Year on Large Scale Discrete Optimization.
Very large problems in a variety of areas ranging from
telecommunications to airline scheduling map to questions in discrete
optimization. The aim of this workshop is to bring
practitioners and theoreticians with insight into specific areas where
large scale discrete optimization methods are used, to talk about central
issues as well as outstanding open questions in their respective
areas. Examples of such areas include telecommunication network design
and routing, airline crew and flight scheduling, scheduling and
production. The focus is to identify problems for which fundamental
insight into their structure and solution will translate into
practical gains in their application areas. Keeping such high impact
problems in mind, the goal is to invite a mix of leaders from
different application areas.
The techniques used to address such problems are expected to transcend
the boundaries of discrete mathematics, computer science and
operations research.
The workshop is also intended to provide the opportunity to bring together
members of the only two graduate programs in Algorithms, Combinatorics and
Optimization (ACO) in the country, namely Carnegie Mellon University
and Georgia Tech.
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Document last modified on April 13, 1998.