DIMACS Workshop on Systems Biology and Translational Medicine: Search for Synergy between Rutgers and CINJ/UMDNJ

December 7, 2011
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University

Gyan Bhanot, Rutgers University, gbhanot at rci.rutgers.edu
Konstantin Mischaikow, Rutgers University, mischaik at math dot rutgers. edu
Anirvan Sengupta, Rutgers University, anirvan at physics.rutgers.edu
Eduardo Sontag, Rutgers University, sontag at math dot rutgers. edu

Workshop Program:

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

 8:50 -  9:00  Introduction to the workshop: Discussions at the
               interface of systems biology and translational medicine
               Konstantin Mischaikow, Rutgers University

 9:00 -  9:30  Topological Data Analysis
               Konstantin Mischaikow, Rutgers University

 9:30 - 10:00  Targeting Alternate Transcripts in Breast Cancer Subtypes
               Shridar Ganesan, CINJ/UMDNJ

10:00 - 10:30  Image based risk score predictor of patient outcome and disease aggressiveness
               Anant Madabhushi, Rutgers University

10:30 - 11:00  Coffee Break

11:00 - 11:30  Inferring Chromatin Conformation
               Anirvan Sengupta, Rutgers University

11:30 - 12:00  Gene Hunting in the Genome Era
               Chang Chan, CINJ/UMDNJ

12:00 - 12:30  Nucleosome-scale physics produces chromosome-scale 
               chromatin structure in C. elegans.
               George Locke, (Morozov lab) Rutgers University

12:30 -  1:00  To treat or not to treat: Stem Cell Signatures in Prostate Cancer
               Elke Markert

 1:00 -  2:00  Lunch Break

 2:00 -  2:30  Cancer stem cells: properties and treatment
               Alexei Vazquez, CINJ/UMDNJ

 2:30 -  3:00  Efficient Full Bayesian HMM for CNV Detection
               Alexandre Schliep, Rutgers University

 3:00 -  3:30  Survival and drug targets in Glioblastoma
               John Glod, CINJ/UMDNJ

 3:30 -  4:00  Coffee Break

 4:00 -  4:30  Comparing statistical methods for association mapping in structured populatio
               Kevin Chen, Rutgers University

 4:30 -  5:00  Data-mining viral fossils
               Vladimir Belyi, CINJ
 5:00 -  5:30  Tamoxifen Resistance and Amplicons
               Gyan Bhanot, Rutgers University

 5:30          Adjourn

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Document last modified on December 2, 2011.