Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013-Plus

MPE 2013+ Workshop on Natural Disasters

 May 13 - 15, 2015

Application to Contribute a Paper for the Workshop on Natural Disasters

If you would like to present a talk or poster at the workshop, please submit the following in one file:
1. Indicate if you would like to present a talk, poster, or no preference
2. Title and abstract (about half a page)
3. List of all authors of the paper with affiliation. Please indicate with * the author who will present the paper. Please provide contact information for the presenter.

Be sure to submit an application to attend.

1. Upload of paper or poster abstract (.pdf or .doc files only):

Your First Name:
Your Last Name:
File to Upload:
Your paper or poster abstract should be in this file. Please make sure your name is listed at the top of the first page of the file you are uploading!
The upload script will rename the file based on your first and last name. Upload one file only. Uploading a second file will overwrite your first file.

Reminder: Your submission should address items 1 to 3 above.

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Contacting the Center
Document last modified on April 8, 2014.