DIMACS Workshop on Network Information Theory
March 17-19, 2003
DIMACS Center, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
- Organizers:
- Piyush Gupta, Bell Laboratories, pgupta@research.bell-labs.com
- Gerhard Kramer, Bell Laboratories, gkr@research.bell-labs.com
- Adriaan J. van Wijngaarden, Bell Laboratories, alw@research.bell-labs.com
Presented under the auspices of the
Special Year on Computational Information Theory and Coding.
The DIMACS Workshop on Network Information Theory will focus on the area of
efficient and reliable communication in multi-terminal settings. This field
has recently attracted renewed attention because of key developments that
have spawned a rich set of challenging research problems. Applications such
as wireless cellular and LAN data services, ad hoc networks and sensor
networks should benefit from these developments. The aim of the workshop is
to achieve a better understanding of the underlying information theoretic
problems and their solutions.
The workshop topics will include, but are not limited to, the following
- Large communication networks
analysis, design, asymptotics
- Multi-terminal capacity/coding
relays, multi-access, random access
- Multi-terminal source coding
distributed sources, multiple descriptions
- Network coding
efficiency and reliability
The workshop will consist of 40-minute invited presentations and ample
time for discussion.
Next: Call for Participation
Workshop Index
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Document last modified on March 13, 2003.