DIMACS Working Group on Abstractions for Network Services, Architecture, and Implementation

May 21 - 23, 2012
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University

Jennifer Rexford, Princeton University, jrex at CS.Princeton.edu
Pamela Zave, AT&T Research, pamela at research.att.com
Presented under the auspices of the DIMACS Special Focus on Algorithmic Foundations of the Internet.

Call for Participation:

This working group is by invitation only. If you are interested in participating, please contact the organizers.

Confirmed Participants

  Azer Bestavros, Boston
  Augustin Chaintreau, Columbia
  David Clark, MIT
  Mary Fernandez, AT&T
  Bryan Ford, Yale
  Nate Foster, Cornell
  Brighten Godfrey, Illinois
  Tim Griffin, Cambridge
  Aaron Jaggard, Rutgers
  Praveen Katta
  S. Keshav, Waterloo
  Teemu Koponen, Nicira
  T. V. Lakshmin, Alcatel-Lucent
  Boon-Thau Loo, Pennsylvania
  Anil Madhavapeddy, Cambridge
  Yun Mao, AT&T
  Jennifer Rexford, Princeton
  David Rosenblum, Singapore
  Rick Schlichting, AT&T
  Anees Shaikh, IBM
  Scott Shenker, Berkeley
  Vyas Sekar
  Robert Soule, NYU
  Mike Walfish, Texas
  David Walker, Princeton
  Alex Wolf, Imperial College
  Rebecca Wright, Rutgers
  Pamela Zave, AT&T

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Document last modified on May 15, 2012.