The interconnection network is one of the most basic components of a massively parallel computer system. Each system consists of hundreds or thousands of processors interconnected to perform parallel computation. One of the central problems in parallel computing is the task of mapping a collection of processes onto the processors and routing network of a parallel machine. Once processors are mapped onto the physical processors, it is critical to schedule computation within and communication among processors so that the necessary inputs for a process would be available where and when the process is scheduled to be computed.
In the context of the 1993-94 DIMACS special year on Massively Parallel Computation, a three day workshop on Interconnection Networks and Mapping and Scheduling Parallel Computations will be held on February 7-9, 1994. The workshop will focus on the interconnection networks of parallel architectures of today and of the near future, examining the task of mapping and scheduling parallel computations on these parallel machines. The workshop will bring together researchers in interconnection networks, message routing, network embeddings, mapping and scheduling parallel computations to discuss recent, forthcoming, and novel advances, in massively parallel computer systems.