DIMACS Workshop on Interconnection Networks and Mapping and Scheduling Parallel Computations
February 7 - 9, 1994
DIMACS, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ
- Organizers:
- D. Frank Hsu, Fordham and JAIST, hsu@murray.fordham.edu
- Arnold Rosenberg, U. Mass., Amherst, rsnbrg@cs.umass.edu
- Dominique Sotteau, LRI-CNRS and McGill Univ., sotteau@lri.Iri.fr
Presented under the auspices of the Special Year on Massively Parallel Computing.
Workshop Program:
Monday, Feb. 7, 1994
8:45 Michael Saks, DIMACS & Rutgers University
Welcome Remarks from DIMACS
8:50 Fan R. K. Chung, Bell Communications Research
Diameters, Eigenvalues and Routing
9:40 Dharma P. Agrawal, North Carolina State University
Shuffled Tree Based Hierarchical Interconnection Networks
10:05 Doreen L. Erickson, Southern College of Technology
Conflict-Free Access to Constant-Perimeter Rectangular Subarrays
10:30 Break
10:50 Eric J. Schwabe, Northwestern University
Becoming a Better Host Through Origami: A Mesh Can
Be More Than Rows and Columns
11:15 Chris Jesshope, University of Surrey
Some Practical Aspects of Designing Network Chips for
Parallel Computers
11:40 Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee
PVM and MPI: Tools for Concurrent Computing
12:05 Graham M. Megson, University of Newcastle
Systematic Synthesis of Knapsack Problems onto Fixed Sized
Arrays with Lower Dimensions
12:30 Lunch
2:00 Jose Duato, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
Highly Adaptive Wormhole Routing Algorithms for
n-Dimensional Torus
2:25 Art Liestman, Simon Fraser University
Perpetual Gossiping
2:50 Reinhard Luling, University of Paderborn
Throughput of Butterfly Networks Without Buffers
3:15 Alfonso Ferreira, Laboratorie de l'Informatique du
Parallelisme, ENS-Lyon
On Communication Schemes for Passive Optical Star Networks
3:40 Break
4:00 Gene Cooperman, Northeastern University
Permutation Routing for Cayley Graphs
4:25 Pierre Fraigniaud, Laboratoire de l'Informatique du
Parallelisme, ENS-Lyon
Interval Routing Schemes
4:50 Leslie Goldberg, Sandia National Laboratories
Routing in Optical Networks: The Problem of Contention
5:15 Mounir Hamdi, The Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology
Communications in Optically Interconnected Parallel
Computer Systems
6:05 Reception
Tuesday, Feb. 8, 1994
8:50 Hal Sudborough, The University of Texas at Dallas
Embedding k - D Meshes into Optimum Hypercubes
with Dilation 2k - 1
9:15 Dominique Barth, Universite Bordeaus I
Embedding by Exclusions: An Approach of Emulation and
Parallel Algorithms Implementation
9:40 Larry Rudolph, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Efficient Dynamic Broadcasting Schemes - Analysis,
Simulations and Experiments
10:05 Dan Pritikin, Miami University
Graph Embeddings from Hamming Bases
10:30 Break
10:50 Robert Cypher, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
Fault-Tolerant Meshes with Small Degree
11:15 Ding-Zhu Du, University of Minnesota
On Consecutive-d Digraphs
11:40 Louxin Zhang, University of Waterloo
Embeddings and Emulations Involving Meshes of Trees
12:05 Rakesh M. Verma, University of Houston
A New Combinatorial Approach to Optimal Embeddings
of Meshes into Meshes and Hypercubes
12:30 Lunch
2:00 Quentin Stout, University of Michigan
Synchronization Costs of Repetitive Tasks
2:25 Petrisor Panaite, Universite de Paxis-Sud
Routing n-Masks to Improve SHIFT and DISTRIBUTE
Operations on the Butterfly
2:50 Philippe Chretienne, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
Scheduling with Communication: A Survey of Recent Results
3:15 Frederic T. Chong, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Building Scalable Expanders with Hierarchical Random Wiring
3:40 Break
4:00 Paul Feautrier, Universite de Versailles St-Quentin
Scheduling as a Parallel Programming Tool
4:25 Apostolos Gerasoulis, Rutgers University
Scheduling Structured and Unstructured Computation
4:50 Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, University of Pennsylvania
Sorting and Selection on Interconnection Networks
5:15 James Philbin, NEC Research Institute
Virtual Topologies: A New Concurrency Abstraction for
High-level Parallel Languages
5:40 Hong Zhu, Fudan University
A Simple and Efficient Parallel Sorting
Algorithms on Star Graphs
Wednesday, Feb. 9, 1994
8:50 Jean-Claude Bermond, University of Nice-Sophia
Antipolis, CNRS
Bus Interconnection Networks
9:15 Zevi Miller, Miami University
The Steiner Problem in Hypercubic Networks
9:40 Susan Flynn Hummel, Polytechnic University and
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
Fractiling: Combining Factoring and Tiling to Schedule
Parallel Loops
10:05 Sajal K. Das, University of North Texas
Concurrent Processing of Linearly Ordered Data Structures on
Hypercube Multicomputers
10:30 Break
10:50 William Y. C. Chen, Los Alamos National Laboratories
Restricted Routing and Wide Diameter of the
Cycle Prefix Network
11:15 Fred Annexstein, University of Cincinnati
Hypercubic Hamiltonicity Revisited
11:40 Sotirios Ziavras, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Investigation of Reduced Hypercube Interconnection
Networks for Massively Parallel Computers
12:05 Siang Wun Song, Universidade de Sao Paulo
Towards the Construction of Disjoint Cycles on the Hypercube
12:30 Lunch
2:00 David Greenberg, Sandia National Laboratories
Allowing the Machine to Fit the problem
2:25 Xing-de Jia, Southwest Texas State University
Extremal Cayley Digraphs on Finite Cyclic Groups
2:50 R. Harbane, Universite de Paris-Sud
Fault Tolerant Kautz Network
3:15 Vittorio Scarano, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
A Sublogarithmic Delay Execution of Programs PRAM
on the Hypercube
3:40 Break
4:00 Luisa Gargano, Universita di Salerno
Fault-Tolerant Information Diffusion
4:25 Qiao Li, University of Science and Technology of China
Restricted Connectivity and Restricted Fault Diameter of
Interconnection Networks
4:50 Vipul Gupta, Rutgers University
Efficient Mappings of Communication Patterns in an
Iterconnection Cached Network for Multicomputers
5:15 R. Diekmann, University of Paderborn
The HS-Heuristic: A Powerful New Approach to Graph
5:40 Ludek Kucera, Charles University
Harmonic Loops and Strings or How to Interconnect at
6:05 Workshop ends
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Document last modified on April 4, 2000.