DIMACS Workshop on Organizing and Moving Data in Parallel Computers
January 26-28, 1994
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
- Organizers:
- Christos Kaklamanis, DIMACS, kakl@dimaes.rutgers.edu
- Kai Li, Princeton University, E@princeton.edu
- Greg Plaxton, U. Texas- Austin, plaxton@cs.utexas.edu
- Abhiram Ranade, UC-Berkeley, ranade@cs.berkeley.edu
Presented under the auspices of the Special Year on Massively Parallel Computing.
Workshop Program:
Wednesday, January 26, 1994
8:00 Breakfast
8:55 Welcoming remarks from DIMACS
9:00 Kai Li, Princeton
Virtual Memory Mapped Comunication
9:30 Frans Kaashoek, MIT
Object-Based Shared Memory on Multicomputers
10:00 Phil Gibbons, ATT
On Testing Cache-Coherent Shared Memories
10:30 Break
11:00 Steve Frank, KSR
The Role of Dynamic Address Binding in Minimizing
Data Movement between Physically Distributed Memories
11:30 Meyer auf der Heide, Paderborn
Dictionaries and Shared Memory Simulations on Distributed Memory Machines
12:00 David Wood, Wisconsin
Tempest: Supporting Both Compiler-Managed and Transparent Shared Memory
12:30 Lunch
2:00 Amos Fiat, Tel Aviv
Competitive Analysis of Algorithms for Models of Distributed Memory
2:20 Baruch Awerbuch, MIT
Distributed Data Structures and Data Migration in Distributed and Parallel Systems
2:50 Phil MacKenzie, Texas-Austin
On Contention Resolution Protocols and Associated Probabilistic Phenomena
3:20 Anne Rogers, Princeton
Supporting Dynamic Data Structures on Multicomputers
3:50 Break
4:20 Tim Harris, Edinburgh
Efficient Shared Memory on High Diameter Networks
4:40 Tom Cormen, Dartmouth
An Asymptotically Optimal Algorithm for
Performing BMMC Permutations on Parallel Disk Systems
5:10 Ravi Jain, BellCore
Approximation Algorithms for Scheduling Parallel 1/0 Operations
5:30 Dannie Durand, BellCore
Distributed Scheduling Algorithms to Improve the Performance
of Parallel Data Transfers
6:00 Wine and Cheese Reception
Thursday, January 27, 1994
8:00 Breakfast
8:50 Kazuo Iwama, Kyushu
Two-Dimensional Mesh-Bus Communication
9:10 Sangutheran Rajasekaran, U Penn
Packet Routing on Meshes with Buses
9:40 Manfred Kunde, Munich
Very Fast Multi-Packet Routing on Grid-Like Nets
10:10 Nabil. Kahale, DIMACS
Greedy Routing on Arrays
10:30 Break
11:00 Larry Snyder, Washington
Chaotic Routing: It's Smart AND Fast
11:30 Michael Kauffman, Max Planck Inst.
Near-Optimal Permutation Routing on Meshes
with Really Small Queues
12:00 Donald Chinn, Washington
Lower Bounds for Minimal Adaptive Algorithms
on the Mesh with Bounded Queue Size
12:30 Lunch
2:00 Danny Krizanc, Carleton
Hot-Potato Routing on Processor Arrays
2:30 Smaragda Konstantinidou, IBM
On the Communication Requirements of Parallel Scientific
Applications and the Design of Networks to Support Them
3:00 Steve Heller, Thinking Machines
Applying Theory to Practice: Data Motion on Connection Machines
3:30 Ashfaq Khokhar, Purdue
On the Impact of Machine Parameters on the Performance
of Coarse-Grained Communication Operations
3:50 Break
4:20 Fabrizio Luccio, Pisa
PRAM Bounds Based on Data Movement
4:50 Ron Greenberg, Maryland
General-Purpose Routing Algorithms
5:20 Jorg Keller, Saarlandes
Fast Parallel Permutation Algorithms
5:40 Yuan Ma, MIT
Fault-Tolerant Sorting Networks
6:00 Wine and Cheese Reception
Friday, January 28, 1994
8:00 Breakfast
9:00 Richard Lipton, Princeton
New Error Coding Methods for Feasible Channels
9:30 Bob Cypher, IBM
Algorithms and Lower Bounds for Deadlock-Free Packet Routing
10:00 Thanasis Tsantilas, Columbia
Efficient Optical Communication in Parallel Computers
10:30 Break
11:00 Edward Felten, Princeton
Optimizing Message-Passing Performance Using Compiler Techniques
11:30 Lennart Johnsson, Harvard & Thinking Machines
12:00 Willy Zwaenepoel, Rice
Shared Memory Computing on Workstation Clusters
12:30 Lunch
2:00 Bruce Maggs, CMU
Routing on Butterfly Networks with Random Faults
2:30 Quentin Stout, Michigan
Hypercube Permutations with Good Routing Properties
3:00 Torsten Suel, Texas-Austin
Lower Bounds for Hypercubic Sorting Networks
3:30 Break
4:00 Sanjay Rajopadhye, IRISA
LACS: A Language for Affine Communication Structures
4:20 Alf Wachsmann, Paderborn
OCCAM-light - A Multiparadigm Programming Language
for Transputer Networks
4:40 Clay Breshears, Tennessee
Computational Experience with In-Place Parallel Algorithms
5:00 Ranjan K. Sen, IIT Kharagpur
Efficient Routing on the Star Network for
General Ascend/Descend Algorithms and Pipelining
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Document last modified on April 4, 2000.