DIMACS Workshop on Partial Order Methods in Verification (POMIV)
July 24 - 26, 1996
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
- Organizers:
- Doron Peled, AT&T Labs, doron@research.att.com
- Gerard Holzmann, AT&T Labs, gerard@research.att.com
- Vaughan Pratt, Stanford University, pratt@cs.stanford.edu
Presented under the auspices of the DIMACS Special Year on Logic and Algorithms.
Research in the last few decades on the connection between partial order
semantics and interleaving semantics has resulted in a class of new
verification techniques for distributed systems that may prove themselves to
be of great practical value in routine industrial applications of formal
verification techniques.
Much of the new work in this area is being pursued by people from quite
distinct fields, who rarely have an opportunity to meet and exchange ideas
directly. These groups include, for instance, verification tool builders,
logicians, semantic researchers, and process algebra specialists.
This workshop aims to bring the people from these different disciplines
together. The discussion at the workshop will be focused on the following
three main topics:
Experience with the application of verification methods and
tools based on partial order semantics and partial order
reduction techniques.
Formal description techniques, logics and algebras, based
on partial orders.
Formal specification methods where partial order semantics
are more natural than interleaving semantics.
Next: Call for Participation
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Document last modified on August 24, 1998.