DIMACS Workshop on Probabilistic Analysis of Algorithms for Hard Problems

November 1 - 3, 1999
Fiber Optic Materials Research Building, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ

Martin Dyer, University of Leeds, dyer@scs.leeds.ac.uk
Alan Frieze, Carnegie Mellon University, alan@random.math.cmu.edu
Presented under the auspices of the Special Year on Computational Intractability.

Co-sponsored by the National Security Agency and Microsoft Research.

Call for Participation:

Most of the talks will be by invitation. The organizers ask that you register for the workshop by August 1, 1999. Limited funds are available to help support participants. If you are seeking funding to support your attendance, please contact the organizers. We will allocate remaining funds to such participants.
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Document last modified on June 9, 1999.