Berry and Curien's Intensional Legacy

Denis Dancanet
Carnegie Mellon University

In the early eighties, Berry and Curien developed a theory of sequential algorithms on concrete data structures, and devised a related programming language called CDS0. Berry and Curien were trying to solve the full abstraction problem for PCF. While they were not successful in achieving this initial aim, their work provided the first example of an intensional semantics. The meaning of a PCF program can be defined to be a sequential algorithm (rather than a continuous function on Scott domains), which allows us to infer many of its properties: order of evaluation, computation strategy, dependence of parts of the output on parts of the input, etc. The game semantics, which were later used to solve the full abstraction problem for PCF, are very closely related to sequential algorithms. CDS0 and its theory have since provided a very fertile ground for intensional exploration. This talk will outline some past and current work in this area, focusing on: We will also discuss some topics for future investigation: For more information (papers, slides of this talk, an implementation of CDS0 in SML/NJ), go to:

Denis Dancanet

School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
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