DIMACS Quantum Computing Tutorial and Workshop

August 11-15, 1997
Computer Science Department, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ

Peter Shor (chair), AT&T Labs, shor@research.att.com
Andy Yao (co-chair), Princeton University, yao@cs.princeton.edu

DIMACS will be sponsoring a three-day tutorial on quantum computing (8/11--13) directed towards computer scientists, followed by a two-day scientific workshop (8/14--15) on recent results in quantum computing. Topics to be covered will include quantum algorithms, quantum error-correcting codes and fault-tolerant computing, quantum information theory, and potential physical implementations of quantum computers. The preliminary program for the tutorial is given below. Talks for the workshop are currently being solicited. People wishing to give a talk should send a short abstract by email or regular mail to one of the organizers. As more details of the workshop are known, they will be made available at http://dimacs.rutgers.edu/archive/Workshops/Quantum/index.html.

Some financial support for graduate students is available --- send email to Peter Shor for more information. Registration forms and hotel and travel information are available on the website.

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Document last modified on November 21, 1996.