DIMACS Workshop on Performance of Real-time Applications on the Internet
November 6-8, 1996
Holiday Inn, South Plainfield
(908) 753-5500, X611
- Organizers:
- Ramon Caceres, Lucent Technologies
- Nick Duffield, AT&T
- Mario Garzia, AT&T (Chair)
- Christoph Lindemann, Technical University of Berlin
- Mike Luby, DEC/SRC and ICSI/UC Berkeley
- Kishor Trivedi, Duke University
Authors are invited to email an original one-page abstract (NOT a full
paper) in ascii format to Mario Garzia at mgar@hogpa.att.com by September
20, 1996. Acceptance notification will be given by September 30, 1996.
See Workshop Announcement for additional information
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Document last modified on September 16, 1996.