For example, the traditional packet scheduling literature assumes that servers have a fixed processing rate that must be shared between clients. However, in a mobile environment the rate at which we can transmit to clients is fundamentally affected by their position. New scheduling algorithms are needed to deal with this spatial aspect. The advent of distributed storage networks gives rise to a number of new problems. For instance, we must make sure that all new content is distributed to the storage sites in a timely fashion and we must ensure the consistency of the content. In addition, whenever a client wishes to retrieve some content, the network must work out which is the best storage site for that client.
This workshop will focus on all optimization problems that will arise in new network settings. Specific topics will include (not exclusively):
Physical Layer Issues: channel allocation; rate and power control; contention resolution and multiple access schemes.
Network and Transport Layer Issues: location management (role of kinetic geometric algorithms and dynamic data structures), distributed directory services.
Application Layer Issues: data dissemination by broadcast servers, management of replicated data in wide-area heterogeneous networks, (caching, replication, and consistency), addressing the limited capability of mobile stations and adapting web content.