To participate, please send a short abstract that indicates your interest and/or background relating to SCIS. The abstract should have a title and be no more than 500 words long. It should be submitted as a text/word/pdf file to Chirag Shah ( by March 22, 2015.
Accepted participants will be notified by March 29, 2015. The early registration deadline for the workshop is May 7, 2015. See for details.
We also have small funds available to support student participation in this workshop. If you are a student who wants to be considered for this support, please send your current CV in addition to the abstract. The support will include free registration, food, and limited funds to cover part of travel.
The workshop will last 1.5 days, with invited short talks, poster/demo session, and breakout groups to chart research agenda and discuss methods in the area of SCIS. Invited guests include distinguished scholars from industry and academia.
Attendance at the workshop is open to all interested participants (subject to space limitations). Please register if you would like to attend this workshop.