DIMACS/LAMSADE Social Responsibility of Algorithms - SRA 2017 Interdisciplinary Workshop

Desember 11 - 12, 2017
University Paris Dauphine, France

Advisory Committee:
Eric Brousseau, Université Paris Dauphine
Laurent Gourvès, Université Paris Dauphine
Jérôme Lang, Université Paris Dauphine
Dominique Meda, Université Paris Dauphine
Meltem Öztürk, Université Paris Dauphine
Jean-Claude Petit, Université Paris Dauphine
Fred Roberts, DIMACS
Alexis Tsoukiàs, Université Paris Dauphine
Organising Committee:
Marie-Hélène Caitucoli, Université Paris Dauphine
Chiara Cancinelli, Université Paris Dauphine
Romain Touret, Université Paris Dauphine
Alexis Tsoukiàs, Université Paris Dauphine

The workshop is jointly organized by LAMSADE and DIMACS with the support of the House of Public Affairs, the chair on Governance and Regulation of Université Paris Dauphine, the GDR Policy Analytics and the GDRI Algorithmic Decision Theory of the CNRS.

The workshop will take place at
Lamsade, Université Paris Dauphine
Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny
75775 Paris cedex 16
Room A709

A (non exhaustive) list of hotels near the University (expensive neighborhood):

You can also have a look on these websites:

You are invited to do your bookings.

If you need more information about Paris (hotels, restaurants, transports,...), please go to http://www.parisinfo.com/

Directions to Dauphine University

You can also visit this website that lets you know what is the exact route to get to the university.


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Document last modified on October 27, 2017.