Up: Towards Extensional Goals in
Previous: Acknowledgements
- 1
- M. Abadi, ``Explicit Communication in Authentication:
Two New Examples'', IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,
1997, to appear.
- 2
- M. Abadi and R. Needham, ``Prudent Engineering
Practice for Cryptographic Protocols'' DEC SRC Research Report
125, June 1994.
- 3
- M. Bellare and P. Rogaway, ``Entity Authentication
and Key Distribution'', Advances in Cryptology - Crypto'93
Springer-Verlag, 1994, pp.232-249.
- 4
- M. Bellare and P. Rogaway, ``Optimal
Asymmetric Encryption'',
Advances in Cryptology - Eurocrypt 94, Springer-Verlag,
1995, pp. 92-111.
- 5
- M. Bellare and P. Rogaway, ``Provably Secure
Session Key Distribution -- the Three Party Case'',
Proceedings of the 27th ACM Symposium on the Theory of
Computing, 1995.
- 6
- R. Bird, I. Gopal, A. Herzberg, P. Janson,
S. Kutten, R. Molva and M. Yung, ``Systematic Design of a
Family of Attack-Resistant Authentication Protocols'', IEEE
Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 11, 5, pp.679-693,
June 1993.
- 7
- S. Blake-Wilson and A. Menezes, ``Security
Proofs for Entity Authentication and Authenticated Key
Transport Protocols Employing Asymmetric Techniques'',
Security Protocols Workshop, 1997.
- 8
- M. Blum and S. Goldwasser, ``An Efficient
Probabilistic Public-Key Encryption Scheme which Hides All
Partial Information'', Advances in Cryptology - Crypto 84,
pp.289-299, Springer-Verlag, 1985.
- 9
- C. Boyd, ``A Framework for Design of Key Establishment
Protocols'', Information Security and Privacy, LNCS 1172,
pp.146-157, Springer-Verlag, 1996.
- 10
- M. Burrows, M. Abadi and R. Needham, ``A Logic
of Authentication'', Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series A,
246, (1989), pp.233-271.
- 11
- W. Diffie and M. Hellman, ``New Directions
in Cryptography'', IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,
22, pp.644-654, 1976.
- 12
- W. Diffie, P. van Oorschot and M. Wiener,
``Authentication and Authenticated Key Exchange'',
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 2, 1992, pp.107-125.
- 13
- D. Gollman, ``What do we Mean by Entity
Authentication'', IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy,
pp.46-54, 1996.
- 14
- J.W. Gray III, ``On the Clark-Jacob Version
of SPLICE/AS'', Information Processing Letters, 1997,
to appear.
- 15
- R. Kemmerer, C. Meadows and J. Millen,
``Three Systems for Cryptographic Protocol Analysis'',
Journal of Cryptology, 7,2, pp.79-130, 1994.
- 16
- G. Lowe, ``Breaking and Fixing the Needham-Schroeder
Public Key Protocol using FDR'', Tools and Algorithms for
the Construction and Analysis of Systems, Springer-Verlag,
1996, pp.147-166.
- 17
- G. Lowe, ``Some New Attacks upon Security
Protocols'', 9th IEEE Computer Security Foundations
Workshop, IEEE Press 1996, pp.162-169.
- 18
- G. Lowe, ``A Hierarchy of Authentication
Specification'', 10th IEEE Computer Security Foundations
Workshop, IEEE Press, 1997.
- 19
- C. Meadows, ``The NRL Protocol Analyzer:
An Overview'', Journal of Logic Programming, 26,2,
1996, pp.113-131.
- 20
- J. Millen, ``CAPSL: Common Authentication Protocol
Specification Language'' Document maintained at web site:
- 21
- R. Needham and M. Schroeder, ``Using Encryption
for Authentication in Large Networks of Computers'',
Communications of the ACM, 21, pp.393-399, 1978.
- 22
- B. Preneel and P. van Oorschot, ``MDx-MAC
and Building Fast MACs from Hash Functions'', Advances in
Cryptology - Crypto'95, Springer-Verlag, 1995, pp.1-14.
- 23
- R. Rivest, A. Shamir and L. Adleman, ``A Method
for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public Key Cryptosystems'',
Communications of the ACM, 21, pp.120-126, 1978.
- 24
- A. W. Roscoe, ``Modelling and Verifying
Key Exchange Protocols using CSP and FDR'', 8th IEEE Computer
Security Foundations Workshop, pp.98-107, IEEE Press 1995.
- 25
- A. W. Roscoe, ``Intensional Specifications
of Security Protocols'', 9th IEEE Computer Security
Foundations Workshop, pp.28-38, 1996.
- 26
- RSA Laboratories, ``PKCS #1: RSA Encryption
Standard'', Version 1.5, November 1993.
- 27
- S. Schneider, ``Verifying Authentication
Protocols with CSP'',
10th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop, IEEE Press, 1997.
- 28
- P. Syverson and P. van Oorschot, ``On Unifying
Some Cryptographic Protocol Logics'', 1994 IEEE Symposium on
Research in Security and Privacy, pp. 14-28, IEEE Computer Society
Press, 1994.
- 29
- P. Syverson and P. van Oorschot, ``A Unified
Cryptographic Protocol Logic'', Draft available from the authors, 1996.
- 30
- P. Syverson (Moderator), ``Panel: What is an
Attack on a Cryptographic Protocol?'', 9th IEEE Computer
Security Foundations Workshop, p.188, IEEE Press, 1996.
- 31
- P. Syverson and C. Meadows, ``Formal Requirements
for Key Distribution Protocols'', Advances in Cryptology -
Eurocrypt'94, Springer-Verlag, 1995, pp.320-331.
- 32
- R. Yahalom, ``Optimality of Asynchronous Two-Party
Data-Exchange Protocols'', Journal of Computer Security,
2, 2-3, 1993, pp.191-209.