DIMACS Workshop Registration Form
The DIMACS Conference Center at Rutgers can accommodate about 100 participants. Subject to capacity
constraints, the workshop is open to all researchers. If possible, please pre-register, although
registration at the conference is permitted.
There are no registration fees for programs through the end of 1996;
Starting in January 1997, small fees will be charged.
Workshop on Design and Formal Verification of Security Protocols
September 3-5, 1997
Name: ....................................................
Title: ...................................................
Affiliation: .............................................
Address: .................................................
Country: ..................................................
Phone: ...................................................
Fax: .....................................................
Email: ...................................................
Special needs: ............................................
To help us improve publicity and to gather information requested by
sponsors, please answer the following:
Is your position primarily:
Student: __ Faculty: __ Researcher: __
Is your home institution:
University: __ Corporate Lab: __ Government Lab: __
Other (Please describe):. .......................................
How did you hear about this workshop: ...........................
To register, please email this form to Pat
or send it by postal mail to:
- Workshop Coordinator
- DIMACS Center
- P.O. Box 1179
- Rutgers University
- Piscataway, NJ 08855-1179 USA
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Document last modified on November 8, 1996.