Security and Privacy Day
May 15, 2009
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Local Organizers:
- Vinod Ganapathy, Rutgers University, vinodg at
- Naftaly Minsky, Rutgers University, minsky at
- Rebecca Wright, Rutgers University, rebecca.wright at
- Danfeng Yao, Rutgers University, danfeng at
Sponsored by the DIMACS Special Focus on Communication Security and Information Privacy and the Rutgers Academic Excellence Fund.
Call for Participation:
We invite you to attend the Spring 2009 Security and Privacy Day.
The event is free, but we request that you register in advance so that we can plan accordingly.
We are soliciting research posters and demonstrations. To submit a poster or demo for consideration, please send your poster or demo abstract (1-2 paragraphs) by email to by May 8, 2009. Please put "Poster Rutgers S&P Day" in the subject line of your message.
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Document last modified on April 8, 2009.