Second Women's Workshop on Communications and Signal Processing

July 16 - 18, 2014
Princeton University

Shalinee Kishore, Lehigh University, skishore at
Sarah Kate Wilson, Santa Clara University
Octavia Dobre, Memorial University
Zahra Ahmadian, University of Victoria
Kelly Andronicos, Purdue University
Arsenia Chorti, University of Essex
Urbashi Mitra, University of Southern California
Leslie Rusch, Laval University
Laura Toni, EPFL
Presented under the auspices of the DIMACS Special Focus on Algorithmic Foundations of the Internet, with additional support from Princeton University, IEEE Communication Society, IEEE Information Theory Society, and the Center for Science of Information.

Call for Participation:

WICE is soliciting poster presentations from junior, under-represented researchers in the areas of communications and signal processing to be presented at the Second Women's Workshop on Communications and Signal Processing to be held at Princeton University from July 16 to July 18, 2014. Junior researchers can range from senior doctoral students to postdoctoral researchers to junior faculty members. Topics of interest cover the broad range of communications and signal processing theory and applications.

This 2-day workshop will include state-of-the-art invited technical seminars and career panel discussions by senior attendees, poster sessions for the more junior participants, and a final panel discussion led by junior attendees to define their most pressing career issues.

Space is limited and some travel grants (including accommodations) are available with priority for junior attendees.

To apply to present a poster at the workshop, please send the following to: A two-page abstract of the proposed poster, a CV, and the names of two references.

Abstract submission deadline: April 15, 2014.

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Document last modified on December 16, 2014.