Accommodations Near Princeton:

Make reservations early to assure availability!!!

Nassau Inn
10 Palmer Square
Princeton, NJ 08542-3712
Phone: (609) 921-7500
Fax: (609) 921 9385
Toll Free: (800) 862-7728
Site of Workshop. Located in the heart of Princeton amid restaurants and shopping. A standard hotel room is $120.00 per night. You MUST indicate that you are with the DIMACS workshop, otherwise you will be charged $139.00 per night!! Room reservations will not be taken after September 10, 2000. Please be sure to make reservations prior to that date.

Palmer Inn
3499 Route 1 South
Princeton, NJ 08540
(609) 452-1371
Toll Free: (800) 688-0500
(This is not within walking distance)
Within a fifteen minutes drive to the university. Van servcie may be provided to and from the workshop, depending on demand. Contact if interested. The rate for the Palmer Inn is $89.00 per night, you MUST indicate you are with the DIMACS workshop to receive this rate.

Bed and Breakfast of Princeton
P.O. Box 571
Princeton, NJ 08542
Phone: (609) 924-3189
Fax: (609) 921-6271
Email: (John Hurley)
Please remember to ask for a room within walking distance to the workshop (the Nassau Inn in Plamer Square), if you don't have transportation.

Make your travel arrangements directly with the hotels or the bed and breakfast. When making reservations at the Nassau Inn or Palmer Inn, you must specify you are with the DIMACS group to get the discounted rate. Reservations must be made three weeks prior to the workshop to assure getting the reduced rate. Jessica Herold, Workshop Coordinator
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Contacting the Center
Document last modified on August 18, 2000.