DIMACS Workshop on Surface Reconstruction

April 30 - May 2, 2003
DIMACS Center, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey

Nina Amenta, University of California - Davis, amenta@cs.ucdavis.edu
Fausto Bernardini, IBM - T. J. Watson Research Center, fausto@watson.ibm.com
Presented under the auspices of the Special Focus on Computational Geometry and Applications.

Call for Participation:

This workshop is intended to foster interaction between researchers interested in surface reconstruction, computational geometry, surface acquisition, and industry. It will consist of a combination of invited and contributed talks. Researchers are invited to submit abstracts for half-hour presentations at the workshop. Since there are no formal proceedings for the workshop, submission of material that has, or will, appear in a a refereed conference is allowed and encouraged.

Please submit abstracts (at most 2 pages) and any supporting materials (papers, drafts) to the organizers:

amenta@cs.ucdavis.edu, fausto@watson.ibm.com

Abstracts due: To be guaranteed consideration, abstracts must be received by March 28, 2003.

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Document last modified on February 19, 2003.