DIMACS/CCICADA Workshop on Urban Planning for Climate Events (Part of the Cluster on Sustainable Human Environments)

September 23 - 24, 2013
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University

Midge Cozzens, DIMACS, midgec at dimacs.rutgers.edu
Fred Roberts, CCICADA/DIMACS, froberts at dimacs.rutgers.edu
Alexis Tsoukias, LAMSADE, tsoukias at lamsade.dauphine.fr
Laura Wynter, IBM, lwynter at us.ibm.com
Presented under the auspices of the Special Focus on Algorithmic Decision Theory, Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013+ and The Command, Control, and Interoperability Center for Advanced Data Analysis (CCICADA).

Workshop Program:

Note: All talks are 30 minutes + 10 minutes for Q&A
Monday, September 23, 2013

 8:15 -  9:00  Continental Breakfast and Registration

 9:00 -  9:40  Mathematics of Planet Earth, Homeland Security, and Algorithmic Decision Theory
               Fred Roberts, Rutgers University

 9:40 - 10:20  Science and Technology in Disasters - Opportunities Revealed by Sandy
               Mitch Erickson, DHS

10:20 - 10:40  Break

10:40 - 11:20  Adaptation Planning to Climate Change: Results from a Participative Approach Applied in Québec City
               Florent Joerin, School of Engineering Management of Canton of Vaud, Switzerland 

11:20 - 12:00  Once Again, the Urban Planning Challenge Associated with Climate Change and Disasters
               Rae Zimmerman, NYU

12:00 - 12:40  Regionalizing Sea-level Rise Projections for Urban Planning
               Robert Kopp, Rutgers University

12:40 -  2:00  Lunch

 2:00 -  2:40  Urban Influences on Temperature in New Jersey
               David Robinson, Rutgers University and NJ State Climatologist

 2:40 -  3:20  Sustainability and Human Behaviors: Modeling
               Perception of Factors Impacting the Urban Environment
               Lou Gross, University of Tennessee 

 3:20 -  4:00  Closing Some Gaps: Planning for Sheltering and Sheltering in Place for Frail Seniors
               Michael Greenberg, Rutgers University

 4:00 -  4:20  Break

 4:20 -  5:00  A Decision Support Tool (DST) to Plan Effective Resiliency Measures
               Joe Picciano, NJ Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness

 5:00 -  5:40  Anticipating Coastal Residents' Responses to Storm Recovery Plans
               Clinton Andrews, Rutgers University

 6:00 -  7:45  Banquet

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

 8:30 -  9:00  Continental Breakfast and Registration
 9:00 -  9:40  Capability Theory for Urban Planning
               Alexis Tsoukiàs, CNRS - LAMSADE, Université Paris Dauphine

 9:40 - 10:20  Impacts of Hurricane Induced Transportation Disruptions on Work Trips
               Pamela Murray-Tuite, Virginia Tech 

10:20 - 10:40  Break

10:40 - 11:20  Pre-Sandy Impact Modeling of Storm Surge on the NYC Metro
               Region's Transportation Infrastructure, Validation by Sandy, and
               post-Sandy Resilience Issues
               Klaus H. Jacob, Columbia University

11:20 - 12:00  Smarter Cities Research at IBM
               Laura Wynter, IBM Research 

12:00 - 12:40  Adapting to Climate Change: Lessons from Natural Hazards Planning
               Gavin Smith, University of North Carolina 

12:40 -  2:00  Lunch

 2:00 -  2:40  Analyzing the Reliability and Resiliency of New Jersey's
               Urban Energy Systems in Response to Climate Change
               Frank Felder, Rutgers University

 2:40 -  3:20  The Application of Web-based Decision Support Tools for Visualizing Coastal 
               Flooding Vulnerabilities and Planning for Resiliency: the NJFloodMapper
               Rick Lathrop, Rutgers University

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Document last modified on September 9, 2013.