Our funding agencies require that we charge a registration fee during the course of the workshop. Registration fees include participation in the workshop, all workshop materials, breakfast, lunch, breaks and any scheduled social events (if applicable). Fees are $40 per person per day for faculty, researchers and "other", and $5 per person per day for postdocs.
The registration fee is waived for undergraduate students, graduate students, DIMACS postdocs and DIMACS long-term visitors who are in residence at DIMACS. Fees for employees of DIMACS partner institutions are waived. DIMACS partner institutions are: Rutgers University, Princeton University, AT&T Labs - Research, Bell Labs, NEC Research Institute and Telcordia Technologies. Fees for employees of DIMACS affiliate members Avaya Labs and Microsoft Research are also waived. Fees are not waived for IBM Watson Research Center employees (the terms of the IBM membership are different from the Avaya and Microsoft agreements).
Parking permits will be available at the registration table on the day of the workshop.
Please park in lot 64 located between the CoRE Building and the Werblin Recreation Center.
Attendees who have been offered support should keep two rules in mind. Reimbursement for air travel can only be made for travel on US Flag Carriers, REGARDLESS OF COST. (For example, travel on airlines such as United, Continental, USAir, and others that are United States based are allowable. Travel on airlines such as Lufthansa, SAS, Air Canada and other airlines based outside the US cannot be reimbursed by DIMACS.)
The second rule to keep in mind is to get original receipts for all reimbursable expenses.