DIMACS Workshops: Special Year on Logic and Algorithms
See the
Special Year on Logic and Algorithms pages for additional information.
Jump to Current Programs.
- Summer School on Applied Logic and Algorithms
- August 2, 1995 thru September 1, 1995
- DIMACS Center - Rutgers University
- Piscataway, New Jersey
- Algorithm Implementation Challenge Workshop
- September 14-15, 1995
- DIMACS Center - Rutgers University
- Piscataway, New Jersey
- Workshop on Verification
and Control of Hybrid Systems
- October 22-25, 1995
- DIMACS Center - Rutgers University
- Piscataway, New Jersey
- Workshop on Logic and Random Structures
- November 5-7, 1995
- DIMACS Center - Rutgers University
- Piscataway, New Jersey
- Workshop on
Finite Models and Descriptive Complexity
- January 14 - 17, 1996
- Princeton University
- 35 Olden Street
- Princeton, New Jersey
- Workshop on
the Satisfiability Problem: Theory and Applications
- March 11-13, 1996
- DIMACS Center - Rutgers University
- Piscataway, New Jersey
- Workshop on
Computational and Complexity Issues in Automated Verification
- March 25-28, 1996
- DIMACS Center - Rutgers University
- Piscataway, New Jersey
- Workshop on
Feasible Arithmetics and Length of Proofs
- April 21-23, 1996
- DIMACS Center - Rutgers University
- Piscataway, New Jersey
- Workshop on
Controllers for Manufacturing and Automation:
Specification, Synthesis, and Verification Issues
- May 13-15, 1996
- DIMACS Center - Rutgers University
- Piscataway, New Jersey
- Workshop on
Partial Order Methods in Verification (POMIV)
- July 24-26, 1996
- Princeton University
- Princeton, New Jersey
- Workshop on
Teaching Logic and Reasoning in an Illogical World
- July 25-26, 1996
- DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Piscataway, New Jersey
The 1996 Federated Logic Conference - FLoC'96
- Final Program.
- July 27 - August 3, 1996
- Rutgers University - College Avenue Campus
- New Brunswick, New Jersey
- DIMACS Workshop on Computation Complexity and Programming Languages
- July 25-26, 1996
- RUTCOR, Busch Campus, Rutgers University
- Piscataway, New Jersey
- SPIN96 -- 2nd International SPIN Verification Workshop Algorithms, Applications, Tool Use, Theory
- August 5, 1996
- DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Piscataway, New Jersey
Workshop: Special Year on Logic and Algorithms - One year later
- Date: July 23-25, 1997
- Location: DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University
- Piscataway, New Jersey
- Organizers: Eric Allender, Robert Kurshan, Moshe Vardi
- Email: allender@cs.rutgers.edu, k@research.bell-labs.com, vardi@cs.rice.edu
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Document last modified on July 8, 1998.