BMCI 2005

Module Outlines




Preface - explains the general topic and its interest (one paragraph); the mathematics required (i.e. algebraic operations, matrices, deductive and inductive reasoning, etc.)for the module; the biology required (i.e elementary genetics, DNA, RNA, etc.) for the module; whether calculators or computers are necessary and/or desirable; and what is provided in the module (i.e assessments, transparencies, etc.).


How to Use the Module - grade levels appropriate for material, level of student background, format of module, references, expected number of days and amount of material per day, where to implement it within existing math or biology material, relevant math and science standards, etc.


Main Body of Module (each lesson is assumed to take no more than 35 minutes + questions from preceding lesson:


Introduction - history of problem/area, application interests, basic definitions needed, etc.


Lesson 1:          Motivation for first lesson - short exercises, games, etc.

Basic material

Guidance for the teacher as a sidebar

Questions and extensions for advanced students

Homework assignment


Lesson 2-3:       Material using both math and biology

Guidance for the teacher as a sidebar

Questions and extensions for advanced students

Homework assignments


Lesson 4-5:       Wrap up and Assessment








Any extras


Use plenty of pictures and details.