DREI '99 Week 3 Graphs, Posets, and Algorithms August 2 - 6, 1999 SPEAKERS and PARTICIPANTS Linda Lesniak (Program Director), Drew University, llesniak@drew.edu Fred S. Roberts (Principal Investigator), DIMACS, Rutgers University, froberts@dimacs.rutgers.edu James Abello, AT&T Labs Research, abello@research.att.com Geir Agnarsson, University of Iceland, geira@raunvis.hi.is Mike Albertson, Smith College, albertson@neal.smith.edu Hirotsugu Asari, University of Illinois, asari@math.uiuc.edu Helene Barcelo, Arizona State University, barcelo@asu.edu Kenneth P. Bogart, Dartmouth College, kenneth.p.bogart@dartmouth.edu Tomas Chudalarsky, Charles University, tomas@kam.ms.mff.cuni.cz Lenore Cowen, Johns Hopkins University, cowen@cs.jhu.edu Eva Czbarka, University of South Carolina, czabarka@math.sc.edu Dwight Duffus, Emory University, dwight@mathcs.emory.edu Stefan Felsner, Freie Universitat Berlin, felsner@inf.fu-berlin.de Stephen Finbow, Dartmouth College, finbow@mscs.dal.ca Peter Fishburn, AT&T Labs - Research, fish@research.att.com Michael Gargano, Pace University, mgargano@fsmail.pace.edu Michael Gargano Jr., Stevens Institute of Technology, mgargano@stevens-tech.edu Eric Gottlieb, Rhodes College, gottlieb@rhodes.edu Jerry Griggs, University of South Carolina, griggs@math.scarolina.edu Penelope Haxell, University of Waterloo, pehaxell@math.uwaterloo.ca Serkan Hosten, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, serkan@msri.org Glenn Hurlbert, Arizona State University, hurlbert@mingus.la.asu.edu Jeff Kahn, Rutgers University, jkahn@math.rutgers.edu Hal Kierstead, Arizona State University, kierstead@asu.edu Andre Kundgen, University of Illinois, kundgen@math.uiuc.edu Josh Liason, Dartmouth College, josh.liason@dartmouth.edu Andy Liu, University of Alberta, aliu@math.ualberta.ca John Mackey, Dartmouth College, john.makey@dartmouth.edu Dianne Maclagan, University of California, Berkeley, maclagan@math.berkeley.edu Walter D. Morris, Jr., George Mason University, wmorris@osf1.gmu.edu Dhruv Mubayi, Georgia Tech, mubayi@math.geotech.edu Marcelo Mydlarz, Rutgers University, marcem@cs.rutgers.edu Louis Quintas, Pace University, lquintas@pace.edu Radhika Ramamurthi, University of Illinois, ramamurt@math.uiuc.edu Attila Sali, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, sali@math-inst.hu Jim Schmerl, University of Connecticut, schmerl@math.uconn.edu John Shareshian, California Institute of Technology, shareshi@cco.caltech.edu Sheila Sundaram, Wesleyan University, sheila@math.wesleyan.edu P. Teltali, Georgia Tech, tetali@math.geotech.edu Ann Trenk, Wellesley College, atrenk@orie.cornell.edu Michelle Wachs, University of Miami, wachs@math.miami.edu Peter Winkler, Bell Laboratories, pw@lucent.com |