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Helping ALL Students Succeed in Mathematics (6-12)
2003 Institute for Experienced Teachers
Graduate Credit Course Requirements
Topics in Mathematics Education:
Helping ALL Students Succeed in Mathematics -
Institute for Experienced Middle School and
High School Mathematics Teachers
(15:254:592) Section S1
To receive three graduate credits in Mathematics Education from the
Rutgers Graduate School of Education for your participation in the
Experienced Mathematics Teachers Institute, you will be expected to
fulfill satisfactorily each of the requirements below.
- Attendance and participation in all activities of the summer Institute held at Rutgers University; August 4 - August 8, 2003.
- Completion and submission of the following assignments:
Classroom Units: Develop two five-day units on
mathematics topics appropriate for your classroom, which demonstrate
how you have integrated the NJ Core Standards. Write lesson plans for
these activities, using the format modeled during the institute,
implement them, and evaluate how they worked. Present the units in
such a way that best reflects what took place in your classroom. The
documentation should include but is not limited to: an introductory
sentence which describes the grade level and classroom environment
where you presented these lessons; a clear objective of the lesson; a
list of materials needed to implement the lesson; a rough estimate of
time required for each activity; a complete description of the lesson;
some suggested activities (both formal and informal) for assessing
students throughout the unit; any special designed activity sheets
incorporated in the lesson, and possible extension activities. Submit
your lesson plans, your evaluation of how the lesson worked, and any
supportive materials (student work, pictures, etc.) that you think
appropriate. These units, created and developed by you, should not be
on topics you created during your week at the institute.
Published Article: Write two articles which share the
essence of each of your five-day units and share your excitement in
teaching meaningful mathematics lessons. Select a specific activity
from each of the five day units and write a 1000-2000 word article
suitable for submission to the AMTNJ Journal: The New Jersey
Mathematics Teacher. Using the article other teachers should be able
to take the article and adapt it to their classroom. Each article
should clearly and simply describe the activity to other teachers,
your expectations for the activity, and the Core Standards you
integrated into the lesson. Although the article concentrates on just
one activity, it should also describe how the activity fits into the
entire unit. Participants are encouraged to review recent copies of
the NJ Mathematics Teacher to see the type of activity written up by
other classroom teachers. Each article should also include a brief
description of your school/class environment, including a description
of the level of the students, the class in which you implemented the
math content, and any special activity sheets used in the lesson.
Pictures of students working on the activity may be included with your
article. The articles will be submitted to the AMTNJ Editorial board
for review. (If your article is approved, you will be notified by the
editor. If changes are required in the article, the editor will
identify these changes and the publication process will begin.) Credit
for the course is not contingent on your article being published.
The work must be submitted by December 1, 2003. Credit is awarded
for Summer Session 2003.
Graduate Credit Tuition & Fees
Because participants' fees cover a substantial percentage of the
costs of the program, those participants pay only one-third of the
normal tuition charges.
In-State Participants: |
tuition |
= |
$338.00 |
non-refundable student fee |
= |
Total: |
$416.00 |
Out-of-State Participants: |
tuition |
= |
$499.50 |
non-refundable student fee |
= |
Total: |
$577.50 |
During the summer institute a meeting will be scheduled for those
interested in taking the program for credit. The purpose of this
meeting will be to further discuss the course requirements as well as
to fill out all necessary paperwork (including payment) in order to
register for Rutgers graduate credit.
Make checks payable to: "Rutgers University - ETI".
Do not try to register for credit by telephone through the Rutgers Summer
Session Catalog. You must register through us.