dimacs/lunar downtime last night and today

Hangbiao Shi (hangbiao@dimacs.rutgers.edu)
Sat, 8 Mar 1997 18:47:03 -0500

Due to some hardware problem on dimacs and lunar, both systems were down
late last night and today. At this moment, some of the problems are fixed
and both systems are back. If you have trouble accessing the dimacs servers
or using software, please send mail to help@dimacs.



* Hangbiao Shi                 *  TEL:   (908)445-4592               *
* System Administrator         *  FAX:   (908)445-5932               * 
* DIMACS Center                *  MAIL:  hangbiao@dimacs.rutgers.edu *
* Rutgers University           *  WWW:   http://dimacs.rutgers.edu/  *
* New Brunswick, NJ 08855      *  PAGER: (908)519-8088               *