Marylu Tyndell (
Sat, 24 May 1997 19:07:53 -0500

Hi all!

I was going crazy last night trying to logon and get my email (ATT
WorldNet). I tried at least four times last night. I finally gave up.
I woke up this morning to my radio alarm with one ofth e big news items
at 6 AM being that AT&T users had delays up to TEN HOURS in receiving
emial yesterday.
It's always nice to know that the INTERNET does not have it in for you
personally, but that so many other users were in the same boat as me!

Now that it's Memorial Day weekend, we're almost into the homestretch.
( yes , I know, some of you have probably already finished the school
year or will next week) I can hardly wait until June 20th. But of
course there's so much to do in the meantime - I still have two finals
to write. ( ANd we give quarterly tests FIRST!!) Entirely too much
time spent testing, no wonder we can't " fit all the extras in"!

Enjoy - the end is near!
