Wanted: Sites for The FANS Workshop


Wanted: Workshop Sites ...

... in order to reach parents and family members in convenient and comfortable locations throughout New Jersey

  • We seek rooms where approximately thirty adults can sit around tables and where a VCR and monitor are available

  • Locations can include schools, churches, community centers, businesses, day care centers, etc.

  • Workshops will generally take place during the evening, on weekends, and, in some business settings, during lunch.

  • Workshops began in March 1998 and continue to March 2001

The 95-minute FANS Workshop involves a 35-minute videotape, shown in three segments. The video conveys to parents the following key messages:

  • High achievable expectations are appropriate for their children.
  • New Jersey's standards set high expectations for all children.
  • Parents can help their children achieve these high standards.

Between segments of the videotape, parents do hands-on activities similar to those that their children will be doing in their classrooms. These activities reinforce the video's messages, and provide parents with direct experiences of the kinds of activities that will be taking place in schools as the standards are implemented. Take-away materials provide additional information about the standards and include a selection of math, science, and technology activities that parents can do at home with their children.

Many FANS Workshops will be held in schools. But workshops will also be offered at alternative locations such as libraries, community centers, churches, and worksites. It is the intent of the project to reach a broad spectrum of New Jersey parents, particularly including parents who do not typically attend school-based activities.

For further information about The FANS Project, please call 732/445-2894 or e-mail fans@dimacs.rutgers.edu.


 Yes, I can arrange for workshop sites.  Please send me information.




   Work Address: 
      Work City:   Work State:   Work Zip: 

     Work Phone: 

    Work County: 



   Home Address: 
      Home City:   Home State:   Home Zip: 

     Home Phone: 

    Home County: 

Note: If you prefer, you can print out this Response Form, and mail it to...

Jennifer Lomench
Project Coordinator - The FANS Project
P.O. Box 10867
New Brunswick, NJ 08906

FANS Home Page