New Jersey Mathematics Curriculum Framework - Preliminary Version (January 1995)
© Copyright 1995 New Jersey Mathematics Coalition


All students will develop their spatial sense through experiences which enable them to recognize, visualize, represent, and transform geometric shapes and to apply their knowledge of geometric properties, relationships, and models to other areas of mathematics and to the physical world.

Meaning and Importance

Geometry is the systematic study of spatial relationships. It is connected to every strand in the mathematics curriculum and to a vast multitude of situations in real life. Geometric figures and relationships have played an important role in our societal sense of aesthetic appeal. From the Greek discovery and architectural use of the golden ratio to M. C. Escher's use of tessellations to produce some of the most recognizable works of art in the world, geometry and the visual arts have had strong connections. Well-constructed diagrams allow us to apply knowledge of geometry and geometric reasoning and intuition to arithmetic and algebra problems. The use of a rectangular array to model the multiplication of two quantities, for instance, has long been known as an effective strategy to aid in the visualization of the operation. Other mathematical concepts which run very deeply through modern mathematics and technology, such as symmetry, may be most easily introduced in a geometric context. Whether designing an electronic circuit board, a building, a dress, an airport, a bookshelf, or a newspaper page, a solid understanding of basic geometric principles is required.

Traditionally, geometry in schools has been taught as the prime example of a formal deductive system. While this view of the content is important, its domination has led to the exclusion of other, less readily formalized topics and applications. Geometry instruction should not be limited to formal deductive proof and simple measurement activities, but should include the study of geometric transformations, analytic geometry, topology, and the connection of geometry with algebra and other areas of mathematics. Posing and solving problems in this more richly defined geometry allows students to use geometric intuition to develop more generic mathematical problem-solving skills.

K-12 Development and Emphases

Much of the current thinking about the growth of geometric thinking in students comes from the work of a pair of Dutch researchers, Pierre van Hiele and Dina van Hiele-Geldof. Their model of geometric thinking identifies five levels of development through which students pass when assisted by appropriate instruction.

(Geddes & Fortunato, 1993)

Although the levels are not completely separate and the transitions are complex, the model is very useful for characterizing levels of children's thinking. One particularly pertinent finding that shows up consistently in the research is that appropriately targeted instruction is critical to children's movement through these levels. Stagnation at early levels is the frequent result of a geometry curriculum that dwells on identification of shapes and their properties.

It is not difficult to conceive of a curriculum that adheres to the van Hiele model. By virtue of living in a three-dimensional world, having dealt with space for five years, children enter school with a remarkable amount of intuitive geometric knowledge. The geometry curriculum should take advantage of this intuition in expanding and formalizing the students' knowledge. In early elementary school, a rich, qualitative, hands-on study of geometric objects helps young children develop spatial sense and a strong intuitive grasp of geometric properties and relationships. Eventually they develop a comfortable vocabulary of appropriate geometric terminology. In the middle school years, students should begin to use their knowledge in a more analytical manner to solve problems, make conjectures, and look for patterns and generalizations. Gradually they develop the ability to make inferences and logical deductions based on geometric relationships. In high school, the study of geometry expands to include coordinate geometry, trigonometry, and both inductive and deductive reasoning.

The study of geometry should make abundant use of experiences that require active student involvement. Constructing models, folding paper cutouts, using mirrors, pattern blocks, geoboards, and tangrams, and creating geometric computer graphics all allow opportunities for students to learn by doing, to reflect upon their actions, and to communicate their observations and conclusions. These activities and others of the same type should be used to achieve the goals in the seven specific areas of study that comprise this standard and which are described below.

In their study of spatial relationships, young students should make regular use of concrete materials in hands-on activities designed to develop their understanding of objects in space. The early focus should be the description of the location and orientation of objects in relation to other objects. Additionally, students can begin an exploration of symmetry, congruence, and similarity. Older students should study the two-dimensional representations of three-dimensional objects by sketching shadows, projections, and perspectives.

In the study of the properties of geometric figures, students deal explicitly with the identification and classification of standard geometric objects by the number of edges and vertices, the number and shapes of the faces, the acuteness of the angles, and so on. Cut-and-paste constructions of paper models, combining shapes to form new shapes and decomposing complex shapes into simpler ones are useful exercises to aid in exploring shapes and their properties. As their studies continue, older students should be able to perform classic constructions with straight edges and compasses as well as with appropriate computer software and to formulate good mathematical definitions for the common shapes, eventually being able to make deductions and solve problems using their properties.

The standard geometric transformations include translation, rotation, reflection, and scaling. They are central to the study of geometry and its applications in that these manipulations of figures offer the most natural approach to understanding congruence, similarity, symmetry, and other geometric relationships. Younger children should have a great deal of experience with flips, slides, and turns of concrete objects, figures made on geoboards, and paper-and-pencil figures. Older students should be able to use more formal terminology and procedures for determining the results of the standard transformations. An added benefit of experience gained with simple and composite transformations is the mathematical connection that older students can make to functions and function composition.

Coordinate geometry provides another strong connection between geometry and algebra. Students can be informally introduced to coordinates as early as kindergarten by locating entries in tables and finding points on maps and grids. In later elementary grades, they can learn to plot figures on a coordinate plane, and still later, study the effects of various transformations on the coordinates of the points of two- and three-dimensional figures. High-school students should be able to represent geometric transformations algebraically and interpret algebraic equations geometrically.

Measurement and geometry are interrelated, and understanding the geometry of measurement is necessary for the understanding of measurement. In elementary school, students should learn the meaning of such geometric measures as length, area, volume and angle measure and should be actively involved in the measurement of those attributes for all kinds of two- and three-dimensional objects, not simply the most standard, uniform ones. Throughout school, they should use measurement activities to reinforce their understanding of geometric properties. Eventually all students should understand such principles as the quadratic change in area and cubic change in volume that occurs with a linear change of scale. Another of the interdependencies between geometry and measurement is seen in high school when students learn to use trigonometry to make indirect measurements.

Geometric modeling is a powerful problem-solving skill and should be modeled for and frequently used by students. A simple diagram, such as a pie-shaped graph, a force diagram in physics, or a dot-and-line illustration of a network, can illuminate the essence of a problem and allow geometric intuition to aid in the approach to a solution. Visualization skills and understanding will both improve as students are encouraged to make such models.

The relationship between geometry and deductive reasoning originated with the ancient Greek philosophers, and remains an important part of the study of geometry. A key ingredient of deductive reasoning is being able to recognize which statements have been justified and which have been assumed without proof. This is an ability which all students should develop, in all areas, not just geometry, or even just mathematics! At first, deductive reasoning is informal, with students inferring new properties or relationships from those already established, without detailed explanations at every step. Later, deduction becomes more formal as students learn to state all permissible assumptions at the beginning of a proof and all subsequent statements are systematically justified from what has been assumed or proved before. The idea of deductive proof should not be confused with the specific two-column format of proof found in most geometry textbooks. The object of studying deductive proof is to develop reasoning skills, not to write out arguments in a particular arrangement. Note that proof by mathematical induction is another deductive method which should not be neglected.

IN SUMMARY, students of all ages should recognize and be aware of the presence of geometry in nature, in art, and in woman- and man-made structures. They should believe that geometry and geometric applications are all around them and, through study of those applications, come to better understand and appreciate the role of geometry in life. Carpenters use triangles for structural support, scientists use geometric models of molecules to provide clues to understanding their chemical and physical properties, and merchants use traffic-flow diagrams to plan the placement of their stock and special displays. These and many, many more examples should leave no doubt in students' minds as to the importance of the study of geometry.

Reference: Geddes, Dorothy, & Fortunato, Irene. "Geometry : Research and Classroom Activities" in D. T. Owens (Ed.) Research Ideas for the Classroom: Middle Grades Mathematics. New York: Macmillan, 1993.

This introduction duplicates the section of Chapter 8 that discusses this content standard. Although each content standard is discussed in a separate chapter, it is not the intention that each be treated separately in the classroom. Indeed, as noted in Chapter 1, an effective curriculum is one that successfully integrates these areas to present students with rich and meaningful cross-strand experiences. Many of the activities provided in this chapter are intended to convey this message; you may well be using other activities which would be appropriate for this document. Please submit your suggestions of additional integrative activities for inclusion in subsequent versions of this curriculum framework; address them to Framework, P. O. Box 10867, New Brunswick, NJ 08906.


All students will develop their spatial sense through experiences which enable them to recognize, visualize, represent, and transform geometric shapes and to apply their knowledge of geometric properties, relationships, and models to other areas of mathematics and to the physical world.

K-2 Overview

In kindergarten through second grade, the emphasis is on qualitative, not quantitative, properties of geometric objects. Students are at the visualization level of geometric thinking, where they perceive figures as "wholes." They recognize squares and rectangles, but not that squares are a special case of rectangles. To enrich and develop their geometric thinking, children at these grade levels need to explore geometry using a variety of physical objects, drawings, and computer tools. They work with solids, pattern blocks, templates, geoboards, and computer drawing tools to develop their understanding of geometric concepts and their spatial sense. They construct models and drawings to experiment with orientation, position, and scale, and to develop visualization skills. They explore points and lines. Students begin to develop a geometric vocabulary.

In their study of spatial relationships, students focus on developing their understanding of objects in space. They discuss and describe the relative positions of objects using phrases like "in front of" and "on top of." They describe and draw three-dimensional objects in different relative locations. They compare and contrast shapes, describing the shapes of the faces and bases of three-dimensional figures. They discuss symmetry and look for examples of symmetry in their environment. They look for shapes that are the same size and shape (congruent) or the same shape but different sizes (similar). They use mirrors to explore symmetry.

In beginning their study of properties of geometric figures, students look for shapes in the environment, make models from sticks and clay or paper and glue, and draw shapes. They sort objects according to shape. They recognize, classify, sort, describe, and compare geometric shapes such as the sphere, cylinder, cone, rectangular solid, cube, square, circle, triangle, rectangle, hexagon, trapezoid, and rhombus. They describe the angle at which two edges meet in different polygons as being smaller than a right angle, a right angle, or larger than a right angle. They discuss points, lines, line segments, intersecting and non-intersecting lines, and midpoints of lines.

Students begin looking at geometric transformations by using concrete materials such as paper dolls to model slides (translations), flips (reflections), and turns (rotations). Students put shapes together to make new shapes and take shapes apart to form "simpler" shapes. Students work on spatial puzzles, often involving pattern blocks or tangrams. They look for plane shapes in complex drawings and explore tilings. They divide figures into equal fractional parts, often by folding along one, two, or three lines.

Coordinate geometry in grades K-2 involves describing the motion of an object. Students make maps of real. imaginary, or storybook journeys. They describe the location of an object on a grid or a point in a plane using numbers or letters. They give instructions to an imaginary "turtle" to crawl around the outline of a figure.

Students in these grades also begin to explore the geometry of measurement. In kindergarten, students discuss and describe quantitative properties of objects using phrases like "bigger" or "longer." They order objects by length or weight. In first and second grade, they quantify properties of objects by counting and measuring. They determine the areas of figures by cutting them out of grid paper and counting the squares. They measure the perimeter of a polygon by adding the lengths of all of the sides.

Students begin to explore geometric modeling by constructing shapes from a variety of materials, including toothpicks and clay, paper and glue, or commercial materials. They use templates to draw designs and record what they have done with pattern blocks and tangrams. They fold, draw, and color shapes. They copy geoboard figures, construct geoboard figures from memory, and construct geoboard figures by following oral or written instructions. They may also use geometric models, such as the number line, for skip counting or repeated addition.

Geometry provides a rich context in which to begin to develop students' reasoning skills. Students apply thinking skills in geometric tasks from identifying shapes to discovering properties of shapes, creating geometric patterns, and solving geometric puzzles and problems in a variety of ways. They create, describe, and extend geometric patterns. They use attribute blocks to focus on the properties of objects.

Geometry provides a unique opportunity to focus on the process standards, especially the connections standard. Many geometric ideas are used to help students understand concepts in other strands. For example, students often use their understanding of familiar shapes to help build an understanding of fractions. Teachers in grades K-2 need to plan classroom activities that involve several mathematical processes and interrelate geometry with other topics in mathematics. Geometry should not be taught only in isolation; it should be a natural and integrated part of the entire curriculum.


All students will develop their spatial sense through experiences which enable them to recognize, visualize, represent, and transform geometric shapes and to apply their knowledge of geometric properties, relationships, and models to other areas of mathematics and to the physical world.

K-2 Expectations and Activities

The expectations for these grade levels appear below in boldface type. Each expectation is followed by activities which illustrate how the expectation can be addressed in the classroom.

Experiences will be such that all students in grades K-2:

A. explore spatial relationships such as the direction, orientation, and perspectives of objects in space; their relative shapes and sizes, and the relations between objects and their shadows or projections.

B. explore relationships among shapes such as congruence, symmetry, similarity, and self-similarity.
C. explore properties of three- and two-dimensional shapes using concrete objects, drawings, and computer graphics.
D. use properties of three- and two-dimensional shapes to identify, classify, and describe shapes.
E. investigate and predict the results of combining, subdividing, and changing shapes.
F. use tessellations to explore properties of geometric shapes and their relationships to the concepts of area and perimeter.
G. explore geometric transformations: rotations (turns), reflections (flips), and translations (slides).
H. develop the concepts of coordinates and paths, using maps, tables, and grids.
I. understand the variety of ways in which geometric shapes and objects can be measured.
J. investigate the occurrence of geometry in nature, art and other areas.


All students will develop their spatial sense through experiences which enable them to recognize, visualize, represent, and transform geometric shapes and to apply their knowledge of geometric properties, relationships, and models to other areas of mathematics and to the physical world.

3-4 Overview

In third and fourth grade, students are beginning to move beyond recognizing whole shapes to analyzing the relevant properties of a shape. They continue to use their own observations about shapes and the relations among these shapes in the physical world to build understanding of geometric concepts. Thus, using manipulative materials to develop geometric concepts and spatial sense remains important at these grade levels. Exploring concepts in a number of different contexts helps students to generalize, as does using nonexamples as well as examples. Students are extending their understanding of cause and effect and their ability to make conjectures. They are particularly interested in "Why?" Questions such as "Why are most rooms shaped like rectangles?" offer interesting points of departure for studying geometric concepts. Connections among geometry, spatial sense, other areas of mathematics, and other subject areas provide many opportunities for students to see how mathematics fits into their lives.

With respect to spatial relationships, students in these grade levels continue to examine direction, orientation, and perspectives of objects in space. They are aware of relative positions of objects: Which walls are opposite to each other? What is between the ceiling and the floor? Students also expand their understanding of congruence, similarity, and symmetry. Now they can identify congruent shapes, draw and identify a line of symmetry, and describe the symmetry found in nature.

Students are also extending their understanding of properties of geometric figures. Now they are ready to discuss these more carefully and to begin relating different figures to each other more carefully. By experimenting with concrete materials, drawings, and computers, they are able to discover properties of shapes such as that all squares have four equal sides. They use the language of properties to describe shapes and to explain solutions for geometric problems, but they are not yet able to deduce new properties from old ones or consider which properties are necessary and sufficient for defining a shape. They recognize the concepts of point, line, line segment, ray, plane, intersecting lines, radius, diameter, inside, outside, and on a figure. They extend the shapes they can identify to include ellipses, pentagons, and octagons.

Students continue to explore geometric transformations. Using concrete materials, pictures, and computer graphics, they explore the effects of transformations on shapes.

Coordinate geometry continues to be another focus of study in these grades. Students create and interpret maps, using information found in tables and charts. Some grids use only numbers at these grade levels, while others use a combination of letters and numbers.

The geometry of measurement begins to take on more significance in grades 3 and 4, as students focus more on the concepts of perimeter and area. Students learn different ways of finding the perimeter of an object: using string around the edge and then measuring the length of the string, using a measuring tape, measuring the length of each side (if it is straight!) and then adding the measures together, or using a trundle wheel. They also develop strategies for finding the area of a figure.

Students extend their use of geometric modeling in these grades. For example, they may use geometric shapes split into congruent regions to build understanding of fraction concepts. They may draw diagrams consisting of points and lines to show who plays who in a chess tournament. They continue to build three-dimensional models of shapes, to draw two- and three-dimensional shapes with increasing accuracy, and to use computers to help them analyze geometric properties.

Students' use of reasoning continues to provide opportunities to connect geometry to the process standards, to other areas of mathematics and to the real world. Students explain how they have approached a particular problem, share results with each other, and justify their answers.

Students in third and fourth grade are still dealing with geometry in a qualitative way but are beginning to adopt more quantitative points of view toward geometry. They are able to use their natural curiosity about the world to expand their understanding of geometric concepts and spatial sense.


All students will develop their spatial sense through experiences which enable them to recognize, visualize, represent, and transform geometric shapes and to apply their knowledge of geometric properties, relationships, and models to other areas of mathematics and to the physical world.

3-4 Expectations and Activities

The expectations for these grade levels appear below in boldface type. Each expectation is followed by activities which illustrate how the expectation can be addressed in the classroom.

Building upon the K-2 expectations, experiences in grades 3-4 will be such that all students:

A. explore spatial relationships such as the direction, orientation, and perspectives of objects in space; their relative shapes and sizes, and the relations between objects and their shadows or projections.

B. explore relationships among shapes such as congruence, symmetry, similarity, and self-similarity.
C.explore properties of three- and two-dimensional shapes using concrete objects, drawings, and computer graphics.
D. use properties of three- and two-dimensional shapes to identify, classify, and describe shapes.
E. investigate and predict the results of combining, subdividing, and changing shapes.
F. use tessellations to explore properties of geometric shapes and their relationships to the concepts of area and perimeter.
G. explore geometric transformations: rotations (turns), reflections (flips), and translations (slides).
H. develop the concepts of coordinates and paths, using maps, tables, and grids.
I. understand the variety of ways in which geometric shapes and objects can be measured.
J.investigate the occurrence of geometry in nature, art and other areas.


All students will develop their spatial sense through experiences which enable them to recognize, visualize, represent, and transform geometric shapes and to apply their knowledge of geometric properties, relationships, and models to other areas of mathematics and to the physical world.

5-6 Overview

Informal geometry and spatial visualization are vital aspects of a mathematics program for grades 5 and 6. Middle school students experience the fun and challenge of learning geometry through creating plans, building models, drawing, sorting, classifying, and discovering, visualizing, and representing concepts and geometric properties. Students develop the understanding needed to function in a three-dimensional world through explorations and investigations organized around physical models.

Furthermore, studying geometry provides opportunities for divergent thinking and creative problem solving as well as for developing students' logical thinking abilities. Geometric concepts and representations also help students to better understand number concepts. Topics in geometry are also particularly well-suited for use when addressing the four process standards.

Students' experiences in learning geometry should help them to perceive geometry as having a dynamically important role in their environment and not merely as learning vocabulary, memorizing definitions and formulas, and stating properties of shapes. Students, working in groups or independently, should explore and investigate problems in two and three dimensions, make and test conjectures, construct and use models, drawings, and computer technology, develop spatial sense, use inductive and deductive reasoning, and then communicate their results with confidence and conviction. They should be challenged to find alternative approaches and solutions.

In their study of spatial relationships, students in grades 5 and 6 further develop their understanding of shadows, projections (e.g., top, front, and side views), perspectives (e.g., drawings made on isometric dot paper), and maps. They also consolidate their understanding of the concepts of symmetry (both line and rotational), congruence, and similarity.

Students expand their understanding of properties of geometric figures by using models to develop the concepts needed to make abstractions and generalizations. They focus on the properties of lines and planes as well as on those of plane and solid geometric figures. Students at this age begin to classify geometric figures according to common properties and develop informal definitions.

Still focussing on models, drawings, and computer graphics, students expand their understanding of geometric transformation, including translations (slides), reflections (flips), rotations (turns), and dilations (stretchers/shrinkers). At these grade levels, the connections between the transformations and congruence, similarity, and symmetry are explored. Students also begin to use coordinate geometry to show how figures change under transformations, using all four quadrants of the coordinate plane (positive and negative numbers).

Students develop greater understanding of the geometry of measurement in these grade levels, as they develop strategies for finding perimeters, areas (of rectangles and triangles), volumes, surface areas, and angle measures. The emphasis at this level is on looking for different ways to find an answer, not on using formulas. Students use actual materials for many problems, look for patterns in their answers, and form conjectures about general methods that might be appropriate for certain types of problems. Students use what they are learning about areas to help them develop understanding of the Pythagorean Theorem.

Students continue to use geometric modeling to help them solve a variety of problems. They explore patterns of geometric change as well as those involving number patterns. They use geometric representations to assist them in solving problems in discrete mathematics. They use the tools of concrete materials, drawings, and computers to help them visualize geometric patterns.

Students in these grade levels are beginning to develop more sophisticated reasoning skills. In studying geometry, they have many opportunities to make conjectures based on data they have collected and patterns they have observed. This inductive reasoning can then be related to what they already know; students should be encouraged to explain their thinking and justify their responses.

Throughout fifth and sixth grade, students use concrete materials, drawings, and computer graphics to increase the number of geometric concepts with which they are familiar and to explore how these concepts can be used in geometric reasoning. Students' natural curiosity about the world provides ample opportunities for linking mathematics with other subjects. The continued experience with two- and three-dimensional figures provided at these grade levels helps students to build the firm foundation needed for the more formal geometry of the secondary school.


All students will develop their spatial sense through experiences which enable them to recognize, visualize, represent, and transform geometric shapes and to apply their knowledge of geometric properties, relationships, and models to other areas of mathematics and to the physical world.

5-6 Expectations and Activities

The expectations for these grade levels appear below in boldface type. Each expectation is followed by activities which illustrate how the expectation can be addressed in the classroom.

Building upon the K-4 expectations, experiences in grades 5-6 will be such that all students:

K. relate two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometry using shadows, perspectives, projections, and maps.

L. understand and apply the concepts of symmetry, similarity, and congruence.
M. identify and describe plane and solid geometric figures, characterize geometric figures using a minimum set of properties, classify geometric figures according to common properties, and develop definitions for common geometric figures.
N. understand the properties of lines and planes, including parallel lines and planes, perpendicular lines and planes, intersecting lines and planes and their angles, incidence
O. explore the relationships among geometric transformations (translations, reflections, rotations, and dilations), tessellations (tilings), congruence and similarity.
P. develop, understand, and apply a variety of strategies for determining perimeter, area, surface area, angle measure, and volume.
Q. Understand and apply the Pythagorean Theorem.
R. Explore patterns produced by processes of geometric change, intuitively relating iteration, approximation, and fractals.
S. investigate, explore, and describe the geometry in nature and real-world applications.
T. use models, manipulatives, and computer graphics software to build a strong conceptual understanding of geometry and its connections to other parts of mathematics, science, and art.


All students will develop their spatial sense through experiences which enable them to recognize, visualize, represent, and transform geometric shapes and to apply their knowledge of geometric properties, relationships, and models to other areas of mathematics and to the physical world.

7-8 Overview

Students in grades 7 and 8 learn geometry by engaging in activities and spatial experiences organized around physical models, modeling, mapping, measuring, discovering geometric relationships by using mathematical procedures such as drawing, sorting, classifying, transforming, and finding patterns, and solving geometric problems.

Building explicit linkages among mathematical topics is especially important with respect to geometry, since geometric concepts contribute to students' understanding of other topics in mathematics. For example, the number line provides a way of representing whole numbers, fractions, decimals, integers, and probability. Regions are used in developing understanding of multiplication, fraction concepts, area, and percent. The coordinate plane is used to relate geometry to algebra and functions. Similar triangles are used in connection with ratio and proportion.

Students continue to develop their understanding of spatial relationships by examining projections (viewing objects from different perspectives), shadows, perspective, and maps. They apply the understanding developed in earlier grades to solve problems involving congruence, similarity, and symmetry.

Students begin to explore the logical interrelationships among previously-discovered properties of geometric figures at these grade levels. They extend their work with two-dimensional figures to include circles as well as special quadrilaterals. They continue to work with various polygons, lines, planes, and three-dimensional figures such as prisms, cylinders, cones, pyramids, and spheres.

The study of geometric transformations continues as well at these grade levels, becoming more closely linked to the study of algebraic concepts and coordinate geometry in all four quadrants. Students begin to represent transformations and/or their results symbolically. They also continue to analyze the relationships between figures and their transformations, considering congruence, similarity, and symmetry.

The geometry of measurement is extended to circles, cylinders, and spheres in these grades. Students learn about pi and use it in a variety of contexts. They explore a variety of ways to find perimeters, circumferences, areas, volumes, surface areas, and angle measures. They also develop and apply the Pythagorean Theorem. The emphasis is on developing and understanding the processes used, recording the procedures in a formula; students should not be given a formula and then expected to use it.

Students continue to use geometric modeling to represent problem situations in a variety of different areas. Drawings of various types are particularly useful to students in understanding the context of a problems. Number lines, coordinate planes, regions, and similar triangles help students to visualize numerical situations. Especially important are the patterns produced by change processes, including growth and decay.

Students further develop their reasoning skills by making conjectures as they explore relationships among various shapes and polygons. For example, as students learn about the midpoints of line segments, they can make guesses about the shapes produced by connecting midpoints of consecutive sides of quadrilaterals. By testing their hypotheses with drawings they make (by hand or by computer), the students come to actually see the possibilities that can exist. The informal arguments that students develop at these grade levels are important precursors to the more formal study of geometry in high school.

The emphasis in grades 7 and 8 should be on investigating and using geometric ideas and relationships, not on memorizing definitions and formulas. Students should use a variety of concrete materials to model and analyze situations in two and three dimensions. They should use drawings that they make by hand or with the aid of a computer to further examine geometric situations or to record what they have done. Geometry approached in this way can be fun and challenging to students.


All students will develop their spatial sense through experiences which enable them to recognize, visualize, represent, and transform geometric shapes and to apply their knowledge of geometric properties, relationships, and models to other areas of mathematics and to the physical world.

7-8 Expectations and Activities

The expectations for these grade levels appear below in boldface type. Each expectation is followed by activities which illustrate how the expectation can be addressed in the classroom.

Building upon the K-6 expectations, experiences in grades 7-8 will be such that all students:

K. relate two-dimensional and three-dimensional geometry using shadows, perspectives, projections, and maps.

L. understand and apply the concepts of symmetry, similarity, and congruence.
M. identify and describe plane and solid geometric figures, characterize geometric figures using a minimum set of properties, classify geometric figures according to common properties, and develop definitions for common geometric figures.
N. understand the properties of lines and planes, including parallel lines and planes, perpendicular lines and planes, intersecting lines and planes and their angles, incidence.
O. explore relationships among geometric transformations (translations, reflections, rotations, and dilations), tessellations, congruence and similarity.
P. develop, understand, and apply a variety of strategies for determining perimeter, area, surface area, angle measure, and volume.
Q. Understand and apply the Pythagorean Theorem.
R. Explore patterns produced by processes of geometric change, intuitively relating iteration, approximation, and fractals.
S. investigate, explore, and describe the geometry in nature and real-world applications.
T. use models, manipulatives, and computer graphics software to build a strong conceptual understanding of geometry and its connections to other parts of mathematics, science, and art.


All students will develop their spatial sense through experiences which enable them to recognize, visualize, represent, and transform geometric shapes and to apply their knowledge of geometric properties, relationships, and models to other areas of mathematics and to the physical world.

9-12 Overview

Geometry has historically held an important role in high school mathematics, primarily through its focus on deductive reasoning and proof. In addition, geometry helps students represent and describe the world in which they live; it includes categorizations and properties of shapes and their relationships. Developing skills in deductive reasoning, learning how to construct proofs, and understanding geometric properties are important outcomes of the high school geometry course. Equally important, however, is the continued development of visualization skills, pictorial representations, and applications of geometric ideas to describe and answer questions about natural, physical, and social phenomena.

Deductive reasoning is highly dependent upon communication skills. In fact, mathematics can be considered as a language - a language of patterns. This language of mathematics must be meaningful if students are to discuss mathematics, construct arguments, and apply geometry productively. Communication and language play a critical role in helping students to construct links between their informal, intuitive geometric notions and the more abstract language and symbolism of high school geometry.

Geometry describes the real world from several viewpoints. One viewpoint is that of standard Euclidean geometry - a deductive system developed from basic axioms. Other viewpoints, widely used internationally, are those of coordinate geometry, transformational geometry, and vector geometry. The interplay between geometry and algebra strengthens students' ability to formulate and analyze problems from situations both within and outside mathematics. Although students will at times work separately in synthetic, coordinate, transformational, and vector geometry, they should also have many opportunities to compare, contrast, and translate among these systems. Further, students should learn that specific problems are often solved more easily in one or another of these systems.

Visualization and pictorial representation are also important aspects of a high school geometry course. Students should have opportunities to visualize and work with two- and three-dimensional figures in order to develop spatial skills fundamental to everyday life and to many careers. By using physical models and other real-world objects, students can develop a strong base for geometric intuition. Work with abstract ideas can then draw upon these experiences and intuitions.

The goal of high school geometry includes applying geometric ideas to real problems in a variety of areas. Each student must develop the ability to solve problems if he or she is to become a productive citizen. Instruction thus must begin with problem situations -- not only relatively simple exercises to be accomplished independently but also problems to be solved in small groups or by the entire class working cooperatively.

Applications of mathematics have changed dramatically over the last twenty years, primarily due to rapid advances in technology. Geometry has, in fact, become more pertinent to students because of computer graphics. Thus, calculators and computers are appropriate and necessary tools in learning geometry

Students in high school continue to develop their understanding of spatial relationships. They construct models from two-dimensional representations of objects, they interpret two- and three-dimensional representations of geometric objects, and they construct two-dimensional representations of actual objects.

Students formalize their understanding of properties of geometric figures, using known properties to deduce new relationships. Specific figures which are studied include polygons, circles, prisms, cylinders, pyramids, cones, and spheres. Properties considered may include congruence, similarity, symmetry, measures of angles (especially special relationships such as supplementary and complementary angles), parallelism, and perpendicularity.

In high school, students apply the principles of geometric transformations and coordinate geometry that they learned in the earlier grades, using these to help develop further understanding of geometric concepts and to establish justifications for conclusions drawn about geometric objects and their relationships. They also begin to use vectors to represent geometric situations.

The geometry of measurement is extended in the high school grades to include formalizing procedures for finding perimeters, circumferences, areas, volumes, and surface areas and solving indirect measurement problems using trigonometric ratios. Students should also use trigonometric functions to model periodic phenomena, establishing an important connection between geometry and algebra.

Students use a variety of geometric representations in geometric modeling at these grade levels, such as graphs of algebraic functions on coordinate grids, networks composed of vertices and edges, vectors, transformations, and right triangles to solve problems involving trigonometry. They also explore and analyze further the patterns produced by geometric change.

Deductive reasoning takes on an increasingly important role in the high school years. Students use inductive reasoning as they look for patterns and make conjectures; they use deductive reasoning to justify their conjectures and present reasonable explanations.


All students will develop their spatial sense through experiences which enable them to recognize, visualize, represent, and transform geometric shapes and to apply their knowledge of geometric properties, relationships, and models to other areas of mathematics and to the physical world.

9-12 Expectations and Activities

The expectations for these grade levels appear below in boldface type. Each expectation is followed by activities which illustrate how the expectation can be addressed in the classroom.

Building upon the K-8 expectations, experiences in grades 9-12 will be such that all students:

U. understand and apply properties involving angles, parallel lines, and perpendicular lines.

V. analyze properties of three-dimensional shapes by constructing models and by drawing and interpreting two-dimensional representations of them.
W. use transformations, coordinates, and vectors to solve problems in Euclidean geometry.
X. interpret algebraic equations and inequalities geometrically and describe geometric objects algebraically.
Y. extend, apply, and formalize strategies for determining perimeters, areas, volumes, and surface areas.
Z. use trigonometric ratios to solve problems involving indirect measurement.
AA. solve real-world and mathematical problems using geometric models.
BB. use induction or deduction to solve problems and to present reasonable explanations of and justifications for the solutions.
CC. analyze patterns produced by processes of geometric change, formally connecting iteration, approximation, limits, self-similarity, and fractals
DD. explore applications of other geometries in real-world contexts
EE. use manipulatives, computer graphics software, and other learning tools to demonstrate geometric concepts and connections with other parts of mathematics, science, and art.

New Jersey Mathematics Curriculum Framework - Preliminary Version (January 1995)
© Copyright 1995 New Jersey Mathematics Coalition