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Teaching Excellent
Mathematics & Science;

2008 Institutes for New Teachers

Graduate Credit Course Requirements

Math Institute:

Topics in Mathematics Education:
Teaching Excellent Mathematics -
Institute for New Middle School and
High School Mathematics Teachers

(15:254:591) Section S1

To recieve three graduate credits, participants are required to attend and participate in all of the sessions of the Institute for New Mathematics Teachers on the following dates:

  • Summer institute August 4-8, 2008

  • AMTNJ conference October 23-24, 2008

Participants are also required to complete the written assignments described below.

Science Institute:

Topics in Science Education:
Teaching Excellent Science -
Institute for New Teachers of
Middle School and High School Science

(15:256:596) Section S1

To recieve three graduate credits, participants are required to attend and participate in all of the sessions of the Institute for New Science Teachers on the following dates:

  • Summer institute August 4-8, 2008

  • NJSTA conference October 14-15, 2008

Participants are also required to complete the written assignments described below.

Written Assignments:

To receive graduate credit, each participant is also required to complete the following assignments.

  1. Daily Lesson Logs: Choose one of the non-remedial courses that you are teaching this fall on which you attended a daily workshop at the institute. Complete the Daily Lesson Log Form (provided at the Institute) for at least fifteen consecutive sessions of this class; your stopping point should coincide with the completion of a unit. Your responses to the question on this form should provide evidence of:

    • thoughtful planning for the lesson
    • reflections about how your plans actually worked
    • connections between the lesson and your work at the institute.

    The front of the form should be completed before the class, and the back soon afterwards, before you write your plan for the next lesson. If you teach two or more classes for which you use the same plan, write what happened in the first class and note what modifications (and with what results) you made for the second class.

    What you plan and what actually takes place are not expected to coincide; the strength of your report will lie in your reflections on the differences and the insights you have developed on your own teaching.

  2. Final report: Using the above Daily Lesson Logs as "data," write a paper of no more than 8 pages (double spaced) describing the impact that the institute has had on your teaching of mathematics or science. Choose two or three main themes that you have focused on in your teaching of mathematics this fall (e.g., problem-solving, demonstrations, use of technology, addressing different learning styles, teaching for understanding, etc.) and drawing on the data, explain what you have tried to do in these areas, what you have learned from your experiences, and how this has affected your approach to teaching mathematics or science.


Graduate Credit Tuition & Fees for 2008

Because participants' fees cover a substantial percentage of the costs of the program, those participants pay only one-third of the normal tuition charges.

In-State Participants:

tuition = $515.85
non-refundable student fee = $125.00
Total: $640.85

Out-of-State Participants:

tuition = $766.90
non-refundable student fee = $125.00
Total: $891.90

If you wish to register for credit, you should attend the Graduate Credit Meeting to be held one evening of the Institutes. The exact time and place of the meeting will be listed in the final Institute schedule.

Do not try to register for credit online. You must register through us, when you attend the August institute.

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