Contact email: Title: Solving Maximal Clique Problems By Using Variants of the Column Subraction Method of Harche and Thompson (Tentative title which may be changed.) Author: Gerald L. Thompson, GSIA, Carnegie Mellon Univeristy, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213. In this paper we will consider the problem of finding a maximal clique in a given graph in its equivalent form of finding a maximal independent set in its complementary graph. In its current form I have not provided a subroutine in the program to change a graph into its complementary graph, but that would be easy to do. The Maximal Independent Set problem in a graph G = (V, E) can stated as the following integer program: Max ex | {Ax <= f, x belongs to [0,1]} where A is the edge-vertex incidence matrix of G, e is a row vector of ones, and f is a column vector of ones. The linear programming relaxation of this problem is obtained by replacing the conditions on x by simply requiring each component of x to lie between 0 and 1. The column subtraction method of F. Harche and G. L. Thompson can be applied to finding the solution to any zero-one integer programming problem. The author (with others) have developed CSM codes for solving set partitioning, set covering, set packing, logical inference, and postman problems as well as the maximal independent set (clique) problem. An outline of how the CSM method works on an arbitrary problem P can be stated as follows: 1. Solve problem P by a heuristic code if possible, and save its answer. 2. Set up and solve the linear programming relaxation of problem P. Let T be the final tableau of the solution. 3. Order the columns of T in nondecreasing order of reduced costs. 4. In order to fix a nonbasic variable (which is currently at 0) to 1, all that is necessary is to subtract the column which the nonbasic variable labels in the final tableau T from the right hand side of T. (The proof of correctness of this rule is easy.) Using this technique, carry out a greedy branch and bound search, using the heuristic bound found in Step 1. as the initial upper bound, and replacing that bound by better bounds as they are found. Here greedy means use columns with small reduced costs in the search before using columns with large reduced costs. Note that a forward step of the search, in which a variable is changed from 0 to 1, requires the subtraction of one of the column of T from its last one. The backward step of the search, in which the variable is changed from 1 back to 0 can be accomplished by simply changing the value of a single pointer. After making a forward step it is also necessary to evaluate the current solution to see whether it is a 0-1 solution, and this requires a single scan of the final column of the tableau. Each node of a search tree requires one forward step, one evaluation step, and one backward step; it follows that the amount of work needed for each node is very small compared to that required by most BAB routines. Hence, we do not care if the method requires a large number of search nodes, since they can be evaluated quickly. I have written a C code that implements this BAB search routine. With it I have constructed some maximal independent set problems that are especially difficult, that it, they have a large gap between the lower bound given by the LP relaxation and the optimal value. I also have written two other versions of the code that have different ways of going through the search tree. These can be summarized as follows: (a) The Iterative Deepening search strategy. In this case we do not calculate a heuristic solution as in (1) above, but simply carry out a modified breadth first strategy. First we generate all solutions that are at the level of the initial lower bound, then all those that are at level one above the initial lower bound, etc., stopping whenever we find an integer solution for the first time, which must be optimal since we have already evaluated all solutions having values less than that of the integer solution found. Note that in order to evaluate the solutions at a given level we have to repeat all of the work needed to reach the previous level. This method is popular with computer science researchers. (b) The Change Tree search strategy. This is a new strategy that I have recently devised. It is like the previous one except that we first move to the desired level and then generate all solutions at that level. The final paper will include a general discussion of various strategies for examining search trees. In particular the two strategies just described will be evaluated and reasons given for their differing performances. I also plan to put these algorithms on the CM2 Connection Machine, since such a machine could speed up the real time performance of the algorithm considerably. This will take some time, and completion date for this phase of the research effort is difficult to predict.