bounce, yes, why, school, dimacs

Roseann Krane (
Wed, 18 Sep 1996 04:24:56 -0400

Hi. School has started and already I'm stressed. 42 in my Internet class and
I have 12 students who stand in the back. My programming classes have 32 to
22 in them. All our beginning computer classes are maxed with students on
wait lists and we have 21 classes running. I believe that computer education
has finally arrived! Now how do we handle it? Of course to make things worse
I agreed to teach a group of 20 students independently "Networking - Unix
and Novell system Administration". It says sucker on my shirt!

Yes, Elaine, I want a shirt, am coming on the 28th and will send my itenary
to you soon. Thanks for all the prework. I've had to take the Friday off to
fly in and haven't yet been able to get permission. Oh well!

Paul, I have tried to respond to you several times. Sure I'll do a Grants
homepage. I got plenty more. But when I write to you, it bounces. So this
letter must bother the whole group. Sorry folks.

I am frustrated cause I can't find Sherida who I am supposed to do the
project with.... Guess she is not on line. So I'm going to deviate and do my
own thing until I hear from her. If anyone can reach her without a long
distance call, tell her to get on line ... please.

I have been teaching a group of teachers in the next school district how to
deal with the Internet and System Administration and Networking. Part of the
work I have given them is to go through all the DREI projects we did. They
are succeeding and enjoying it. But they are taking a much longer time than
we did.
Of course, they have not yet hit the programming!

Looking forward to seeing all of you.
