Re: Want Ad

Bonnie Katz (
Thu, 8 May 1997 11:07:44 -0400

Dear Brother Pat:
I am so sorry to hear your news.Are they cutting down the
budget? We didn't get a chance to talk at all last week when you were here (sorry for that also).
Having (unfortunately!) been unemployed at several times (some
lengthy) in my life, I know how you feel. Also, my husband Jeffrey was
just denied tenure here at Rutgers and we are unsure if he can remain
here in a staff position, or if he will be looking for a position as well.
I will keep my ears open for you, for what it's worth. Take
care and stay well. I am sure something will work out for you!

Bonnie Katz


Bonnie Katz 908-445-2825