
Sanderson Smith (Sanderson_Smith@cate.org)
Sat, 21 Jun 1997 07:23:26 -0800

June 21, 1997

Hi group.

Brother Pat demonstrated that our group can be quite helpful to one another...
and gave me the inspiration (if you can call it that) to write this note.
This is a pure shot-in-the-dark and clearly not as personal as Brother Pat's
note. But, I long ago became a true believer in the saying "Nothing ventured,
nothing gained."

THE BASIC QUESTION: Does anyone have any contacts relating to jobs in writing,
publishing, and editing?

I realize that is a very broad question. In a nutshell: My son, Brian, age
24, and an English major graduate of Wittenberg University, would like to find
a job that incorporates his major interest... writing. He's been free-lancing
for two years and has had some success doing work for public relations firms
and has had feature articles involving interviewing people about sensitive
issues (for example, anxiety attacks) accepted and published. He's also had
book reviews published along with articles relating to religions. He has a
rather impressive resume of publications for a young man. However, he's
finding that it's tough to make a living doing free lance work and is in the
process of looking for something permanent that could utilize his writing
talents. He's willing to go in at an entry-level position and learn.

Enought said! As mentioned above, this is a shot-in-the-dark. If anyone has
any thoughts, insights, possible contacts, or suggestions, these would be
appreciated. Brian would like very much to stay in the Santa Barbara-Ventura
area of California, but realizes opportunities here are scarce and he may have
to turn his eyes elsewhere. His e-mail address is cbsmith@west.net if you
do have ideas, etc.

Thanks for your attention to this note. See you soon!
