- Distributed Computing with Adaptive Heuristics (project webpage) (co-PI), NSF Interface between Computer Science and Economics & Social Sciences (ICES) Program, 9/1/2011--8/31/2014, $398,267.
- This also involves Rebecca Wright (PI) and Michael Schapira (senior personnel).
- Accountability and Identifiability (project webpage) (co-PI), NSF Trustworthy Computing Program, 8/1/2010--7/31/2013, $249,991.
- This also involves Rebecca Wright (PI) and Joan Feigenbaum (PI on collaborative award).
- Mitigating Exploits of the Current Interdomain Routing Infrastructure (project webpage) (PI), NSF Cyber Trust Program, 9/1/2007--8/31/2011, $163,765.
- This also involves Rebecca Wright (PI on collaborative award) and Vijay Ramachandran (co-PI on collaborative award).
- This includes an REU supplement for Summer 2010.
- Parallels between families of permutations, NSA Mathematical Sciences Program (PI), 11/13/2008--11/12/2010, $29,998.
- Path-Vector Routing and Security Protocol Analysis (PI), ONR, 7/1/2005--12/31/2007, $15,000.
Thursday, August 18, 2011 at 19:36