Eighth New Jersey Universities Homeland Security Research Consortium Symposium
Homeland Security: From Face Recognition to Disease Detection, Natural Disasters to Transit Security

Friday, December 5, 2008
Princeton University

Organizing Committee:
Paul Lioy, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, plioy at eohsi.rutgers.edu
Warren Powell, Princeton University, powell at Princeton.EDU
Fred Roberts, DIMACS, Rutgers University, froberts at dimacs.rutgers.edu
Presented by the New Jersey Universities Homeland Security Research Consortium.

Preliminary Workshop Program:

 9:00 -  9:15  Welcome & Consortium Overview

 9:15 -  9:45  Ed Felten, Keynote, Princeton

 9:50 - 11:25  Emergency Preparedness & Response 

               1) Disaster preparedness and evacuation behavioral response
                  Jon Carnegie, Alan M. Voorhees Transportation Center,
                    Rutgers University
                  9:50 - 10:05

               2) Development of a transportation model for planning evacuations
                    in Northern New Jersey
                  Kaan Ozbay, et al, Rutgers
                  10:05 - 10:20

10:20 - 10:40  Break

               3) Computational modeling for supporting emergency event
                    response: Population exposures to Anthrax
                  S.S. Isukapalli, et al, UMDNJ
                  10:40 - 10:55

               4) Real time monitoring of weather conditions for Homeland
                    Security purposes
                  David Robinson, Office of the New Jersey State Climatologist,
                    Rutgers University
                  10:55 - 11:10

11:10 - 11:25  Discussion

11:25 - 12:25  Information collection, management & synthesis

               1) Optimal learning and change detection for Homeland Security
                  Warren Powell and Savas Dayanik, Princeton University
                  11:25 - 11:40

               2) Dynamically enhanced command information delivery
                  Allen E. Milewski and Robert M. Kelly, Monmouth University
                  11:40 - 11:55

               3) From Face/Iris Recognition to Image Search, Video Retrieval,
                    Video Surveillance and ATR
                  Chengjun Liu, NJIT
                  11:55 - 12:10

12:10 - 12:25  Discussion

12:25 -  1:40  Lunch with Poster Session and Networking

 1:40 -  2:35  Detecting Hazardous Materials

               1) Advanced collector for airborne bioagents
                  Taewon Han, et al, Rutgers University
                  1:40 - 1:55

               2) Development and deployment of the miniature integrated nuclear
                    detection system
                  Lew Meixler, Princeton University
                  1:55 - 2:10

               3) Surface enhanced raman spectroscopic detection of explosives
                  Anna Zarow, et al, NJIT
                  2:10 - 2:25

 2:25 -  2:35  Discussion

 2:35 -  2:55  Break

 2:55 -  3:35  Panel: Special Programs & Facilities

               1) University Center for Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response
                  Cliff Lacy, UMDNJ
                  2:55 - 3:05

               2) The Rapid Response Institute - Four years later
                  Barbara T. Reagor and William M. Tepfenhart, Monmouth University
                  3:05 - 3:15

               3) DHS Center for Secure and Resilient Maritime Commerce
                  Hady Salloum, Stevens Institute of Technology
                  3:15 - 3:25

               4) UMDNJ Regional Biocontainment Laboratory
                  David Perlin, UMDNJ
                  3:25 - 3:35

 3:35 -  3:40  Discussion

 3:40          Closing

Poster Presentations:

Title: Video-Rate Terahertz Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Imaging
Robert Barat, et. al., New Jersey Institute of Technology

Title: Privacy preserving publication of network data
Smriti Bhagat, Computer Science, Rutgers University

Title: Cluster detection and pervasive surveillance of nuclear materials using mobile sensors
Jerry Cheng and Minge Xie, Computer Science, Rutgers University

Title: Investigating cell phones in the international arena
Eamon P. Doherty, et. al., Cybercrime Training Lab Director, Fairleigh Dickinson University

Title: Computational modeling of indoor dynamics of chemical warfare agents: Case study with indoor releases of Sarin
P.G. Georgopoulos, et. al., Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute (EOHSI), Rutgers University

Title: Bioinformatics techniques for disease detection and finding medical countermeasures: Case study with Sulfur Mustard
P.G. Georgopoulos, et. al., Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute (EOHSI), Rutgers University

Title: An adaptable platform for network intrusion detection systems
Nitesh B. Guinde and Sotirios G. Ziavras, ECE Department, NJIT

Title: Research and education directions in Homeland Security: NJIT's MS in Critical Infrastructure Systems
Fadi A. Karaa, Critical Infrastructure, NJIT

Title: Airborne engineered nanoparticles: Practical application and implications for health and the environment
Yevgen Nazarenko and Gediminas Mainelis, Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University

Title: Communicating decisions when there is no one to talk to
Barbara Reagor and James Hammill, Rapid Response Institute, Monmouth University

Title: Multi-objective optimization of a Port-of-Entry Inspection policy
Christina Schroepfer Young, et. al., Rutgers University

Title: Port-of-Entry Inspection policies: Incorporation of measurement error
Christina Schroepfer Young, et. al., Rutgers University

Title: EmAuth: A framework for cross-organizational vouching
Qian Yang and Danfeng Yao, Computer Science, Rutgers University

Document last modified on December 3, 2008.