DIMACS 1996-2000 Special Year on Networks: Visitors

Visitor Program for Scientists and Graduate Students: The center invites scientists interested in visiting the center to apply for support for periods of from a week up to a year. Scientists from academic institutions including universities and colleges, industry, and government laboratories are encouraged to apply. Graduate students whose program of study would benefit from participation are also invited to apply. Visitors can collaborate with postdocs and other visitors as well as scientists at the five academic and industry sites. They are encouraged to take an active role in center seminars and other programs. For information on applying see the center's WWW site for further information on the Visitor Application Procedures.

Scientists interested in visiting are encouraged to contact the organizers.


Seminars and Lecture Series: There will also be a seminar series and a Distinguished Lecturer series that will rotate among the sponsoring institutions. The seminar series is expected to be a genuine bridge between the industry and academic scientists by sharing realistic problems, research approaches, and nurturing long term collaborations.

For additional information, contact the organizers:

David Johnson, AT&T Labs - Research dsj@research.att.com
Stuart Haber, Surety Technologies stuart@surety.com
Mihalis Yannakakis, Bell Labs mihalis@research.bell-labs.com

Special Year on Networks Main Page
DIMACS Home Page
Contacting the Center
Document last modified on June 4, 1999.