DIMACS 2004-2008 Special Focus on Computation and the Socio-Economic Sciences

Program descriptions, calendars, etc.

If you would like to receive updates on the special focus and event announcements by email contact the DIMACS Publicity Coordinator and ask to be placed on the Computation and the Socio-Economic Sciences mailing list.

For additional information, contact one of the organizers:

Lance Fortnow, CS, University of Chicago, fortnow@cs.uchicago.edu
Fred Roberts, DIMACS/Rutgers University, froberts@dimacs.rutgers.edu
Rakesh Vohra, Kellogg School of Management, r-vohra@kellogg.northwestern.edu
Joan Feigenbaum, Yale University, Joan.Feigenbaum@yale.edu
Jayant Kalagnanam, IBM Watson Labs, jayant@us.ibm.com
Eric Maskin, School of Social Science, Institute for Advanced Study, maskin@ias.edu
Christos Papadimitriou, University of California, Berkeley, christos@cs.berkeley.edu
Aleksandar Pekec, Duke University, pekec@duke.edu
David Pennock, Overture Services, David.Pennock@overture.com
Michael Rothkopf, Rutgers University, rothkopf@rutcor.rutgers.edu
Michael Trick, Carnegie Mellon University, trick@cmu.edu
Vijay Vazirani, Georgia Tech, vazirani@cc.gatech.edu

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Document last modified on November 11, 2014.