DIMACS Working Group on Adverse Event/Disease Reporting, Surveillance, and Analysis IV

Fourth Meeting: February 10, 2006
DIMACS Center, CoRE Building, Rutgers University

David Madigan, Rutgers University, Statistics, madigan@stat.rutgers.edu
Presented under the auspices of the of the Special Focus on Computational and Mathematical Epidemiology.

DIMACS Working Group on Adverse Event/Disease Reporting, Surveillance, and Analysis I

DIMACS Subgroup on Adverse Event/Disease Reporting, Surveillance, and Analysis

DIMACS Working Group on Adverse Event/Disease Reporting, Surveillance, and Analysis II

DIMACS Working Group on Adverse Event/Disease Reporting, Surveillance, and Analysis III;
A DIMACS Panel at the Tenth Biennial CDC/ATSDR Symposium on Statistical Methods

Workshop Program:

This is a preliminary program.
Friday, February 10, 2006

 8:30 -  9:20  Breakfast and Registration	

 9:20 -  9:30  Welcome and Opening Remarks
               David Madigan, DIMACS and Rutgers University

 9:30 - 10:30  A description of the post-marketing surveillance 
               landscape and the data mining/statistical methods 
               in current use 

10:30 - 11:00  Break

11:00 - 12:00  What has data mining accomplished so far in pharmacovigilence? 
12:00 -  1:00  Lunch

 1:00 -  5:00  We plan to focus the afternoon on creating a research 
               agenda for statistical/data mining methods in this area. 
               We would also like to address evaluation methodology. 
               One possible format for this would be a kind of soap box 
               format - anyone who wants to speak can do so for 15 minutes 
               (say) followed by discussion. 

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Document last modified on February 8, 2006.